chapter 5

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"So you're that kid in an a musment park"

softly said

Kid nod at me and give me her innocent smile

this kid is so cute and beautiful

Now I remember me and mom go in a musment park because she wanted to

I don't know why got into mom and ask me out and go in an musment park that day

And this kid bump into that day she's crying and said that she lost her mother and don't know what to do

I help her it's not my thing to get involved to someone problem but if a kids

I can't help it

She innocent

And like a puppy who lost

I pinch her nose and smile at her

I don't know but this kid? make me feel at ease

"I didn't know that you are the one who took care of becbec that day I must've thank you a lot for that"

I bring back my cold emotion again and look at her way

"No need"

"I assist please"

"It's ok no need to "

"But I want to"

she keep an assisting but I still refused

"Super hero what is you're name? I didn't know it yet may I know?"

the kid ask , I give her a small and simple smile
And look at her mother for a second who act like a cute kid when infact is not

And then look at the kid again

"Cloud ,cloud is my name kid"

I pat her head and comb her hair a little using my hand

"What? Your name is cloud,my mommy's name is rain cool "

the kid said and clap her both hand and happily look at us

"Mommy can aunt cloud come with us?"
the kid ask her mom and look at her

her mother shurrged her shoulder and look at me

"It's ok with me but I don't know to her you should ask her my dear I don't want to make her uncomfortable to us "

this woman keep getting on my nerves

"I'm to busy sorry"

I said, I have to be honest

the kid looks  down her head

I disappoint her and I know that

"But some other time I'll come with you "

she look at me in happiness look and hug me


I'm not good at making promises but for this kid in front of me?

I'll make it possible

"You got my word kid"

and I hug her too

She break are hugs and look at me

"Can I call you daddy?"


her mother said trying to stop  her daughter

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