Cora Joy vs. The Elegant Master of Flying Pokémon

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Before reaching Violet City, Cora, Alain and Mairin managed some new Pokémon. Mairin managed to find a shy Chikorita and a Sentret while Cora caught a Noctowl and Alain caught a Gligar. 


When they arrived in Violet City, Cora decided to train with her Pokémon which were Barak (Zapdos), Plamen (Shiny Moltres), and Beira (Shiny Articuno). They trained for three days before they wanted to go to their first gym battle. Cora had brought over Gail (Pidgeot), Nasir (Braviary) and Risha (Toucannon) to help train the three along with Poseidon (Lugia).


Next day, it was now time for Cora to challenge Falkner, the Violet Gym leader. The Violet Gym was one of those tall cylinder buildings, with a big flat circular roof.

"It's pretty impressive." Alain commented on the Gym structure.

"I can't wait to see the inside." Mairin said.

"I can't wait to battle the gym leader." Cora added.

Just then they heard a flap of wings coming from above. When they looked up, they saw a Pidgeot flying in the sky, and someone was riding it.

"Hey there's someone on the Pidgeot." Mairin said.

The Pidgeot flew down to where the gang was standing and landed onto the ground. The one riding on Pidgeot was a young man with blue hair. Cora knew that this was Falkner the Violet City Gym Leader.

"Hi there, I'm Falkner Valerio." Falkner greeted.

Hoothoot jumped off his shoulder and went over to Cora's right shoulder (Kilala is on her left shoulder). Then it nuzzled against her cheek. Pidgeot came over and nuzzled against her left arm. Cora smiled and petted the two Pokémon.

"Amazing. My Pokémon have never warmed up to strangers so quickly." Falkner said with wide eyes.

"Maybe they sense that I have a few flying types on me." Cora chuckled, "By the way, are you the Violet City Gym Leader Falkner?" She asked.

"Yes I am. What can I do for you?" Falkner replied.

"My name is Cora Joy of Viridian City. I wish to challenge you to a gym battle." Cora introduced herself.

"I accept your challenge, Cora." Falkner smiled, "Follow me."


Falkner led the gang to the roof of the Violet Gym building.

"Welcome to the Violet Gym." Falkner said.

"On the roof..." Mairin gaped, surprised.

"I have my gym battles on the roof because that's my way of having my Flying-type Pokémon move around easily when battling another Pokémon." Falkner explained, "I love flying Pokémon very much. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of flying in the sky and now I can, thanks to my Flying-type Pokémon."

Cora smiled. "I have a Pidgeot, Braviary, Shiny Farfetch'd and Toucannon myself," she said "and I love flying with them in the sky too." She couldn't wait for his reaction when he sees her legendary Kanto Birds.

Falkner smiled. "I think I'll enjoy this gym battle with you, Cora." he said.

Soon it was time for the gym battle. Cora and Falkner got ready at the battle arena, while Alain and Mairin stood at the side to watch.

"This a gym battle between trainer Cora Joy and the Violet Gym leader Falkner," said the referee, "this is a three-on-three Pokémon battle. The first to defeat the opponents three Pokémon first wins."

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