Cora Joy vs. The Steel-Clad Defense Girl

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The gang (Cora, Alain and Mairin) had finally returned to Olivine City for Cora's sixth badge. They decided to do some training before they go to the gym. In the middle of training, Lozen (Tyrogue) evolved into Hitmontop. Mairin's Chelley (Flaffy) evolved into Ampharos and Zuzu (Hoppip) into Skiploom. Cora also managed to catch a Ledian.


The gang were outside the Pokémon Centre and were about to head the Gym.

"Good morning guys!" A familiar young girl's voice called out.

The gang looked to the source of the voice and saw Jasmine's apprentice, running towards them.

"Janina." Alain raised his hand up in greeting.

"Heya Janina." Mairin greeted.

"What's up?" Cora asked.

Janina smiled, "I came to pick you guys up." She replied.

"Oh, thank you." Cora said.

The gang and Janina all headed to the Gym.


When the gang and Janina arrived at the Gym and went inside, the Olivine Gym Leader was waiting inside for them.

"Welcome Cora." Jasmine greeted.

"Hello Jasmine." Cora greeted back.

"Hey Cora, are you ready for our Gym Battle?" Jasmine asked.

"You bet." Cora replied.

"Espeon!" Kilala exclaimed out.

Jasmine smiled, "Let's get started. Janina." She looked at her apprentice.

Janina nodded, she ran to the center of the field on the sideline, she takes out a green and red flag in her hands, "I'm ready!" She said.

Cora takes her place on the opposite side of the field with Alain, Mairin and the Pokémon behind her.

"Each trainer will be allowed two Pokémon, understood?" Janina explained the Olivine Gym rule, "An official Gym match between the Olivine Gym Leader, Jasmine and the Challenger, Cora Joy from Viridian City for one Mineral Badge. Will now commence!" She raised both flags in the air.

Jasmine takes out a Pokéball, "Right. Magnemite!" She sent out the magnet Pokémon.

"Magn Magnemite!" It appeared, ready to battle.

"I choose you, Lilith!" Cora sent out the Dark Pokémon.

Lilith the Houndoom appeared, growling at the opponent Pokémon.

"Lilith, Flamethrower." Cora started the match off.

"Rarrrr!" Lilith fired a stream of flame from her mouth towards the magnet Pokémon.

"Magnemite, dodge!" Jasmine ordered.

"Magnemite!" The magnet Pokémon moves to the side to avoid the flames.

"Now Shockwave!" Jasmine commanded.

"Magnemite Magnemiteeee!" The magnet Pokémon fires blue electricity towards the dark Pokémon.

"Dodge!" Cora called out.

"Arf!" Lilith jumped to the side to dodge the Shockwave.

"Your Houndoom is fast, Cora." Jasmine compliments.

"Thanks. Lilith, Ember." Cora ordered.

Lilith opened her mouth and fires of bullet like flames towards the magnet Pokémon.

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