The Extreme Pokémon Race

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The gang were now on the way to Mahogany Town, where Cora and Ash could get their seventh gym badge. Right now, they came to a town called Eggseter Town. It was a beautiful town, surrounded by mountains, valleys and hills.

"Arrrr!" A familiar Pokémon voice was heard.

"Huh?" The gang looked behind them and saw an Arcanine.

The gang moved to the side as Arcanine ran past them and they saw Gary Oak riding past them.

"Huh? Gary!" Ash and Cora said, surprised.

Gary eyed backwards and was surprised, "Huh? Woah!" He told his Arcanine.

"... Hello. It's been a while since we last saw each other." He said.

"Hello to you too and yes it has." Cora agreed.

"What are you doing with that skateboard?" Ash asked, curiously.

"Well, Arcanine and I are getting ready for the big race, we're going to enter it." Gary responded.

"Big race?" Cora and Ash questioned.

"Yep! Gotta go." Gary said and looked at his legendary Pokémon, "Let's go Arcanine."

"Nineee!" Gary's Arcanine dashes off, pulling its trainer with him.

"Eh! Wait!" Ash called out. 

"You didn't explain!" Cora added.

Alain saw something, "Well, it seems like a lot of people are entering this big race." He told them.

"Huh?" The others turned to side and saw many people with their Pokémon.

"Goooo!" Gary's voice was heard.

"Faster, Granbull!" A male trainer ordered.


"A little higher, Scyther." Another trainer said.


"Well, talk about your radical sports." Brock said.

"It seems dangerous, doesn't it?" Mairin questioned.

"To both?" Alain added.


The gang had a meal in a restaurant in Eggseter Town.

"That hit the spot." Mairin smiled.

Cora and Ash were in thought. Alain easily noticed this.

"Still thinking about the race?" Alain asked.

"Huh?" Cora looked up seeing how the others were looking at her and Ash, "Yeah. Seems like fun but what is the race exactly?"

"It's called the Extreme Pokémon Race." A voice answered.

The gang looked to the side and saw a mid-old man sitting beside Brock.

"Excuse sir. But you said, 'Extreme Pokémon'?" Brock questioned.

"That's right. It has become to most popular sport in Eggseter Town. In ancient times, riding Pokémon was a necessity. Now it's reserved for the annual competition." The man explained.

"What's the competition about, sir?" Ash asked.

"Each trainer rides a skateboard that is pulled by a special Pokémon and a race to the finish line." The man explains, "And tomorrow is the best part of the competition, the Championship Event." He had a happy smile expression, "People comes to watch the race from miles and miles away."

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