Cora Joy vs. The Incredibly Pretty Girl

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When the gang made it to Goldenrod City, they were amazed of how big it was.

"Goldenrod City looks wonderful. I can't wait to look around." Mairin said, awed.

"Me neither." Alain added.

"How about we look around? We'll be here for three days to train before my gym battle." Cora suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea." Alain agreed.

"Yeah!" Mairin beamed.

So the three decided to look around the shops. They bought a few things for their journey along with some souvenirs and tried some food that were nearby. Then they went towards the Pokémon center. Before getting near to the Pokémon center, Kilala and Chespie noticed a shop selling milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

"Espe, espeon? (Hey Cora, what's that?)" Kilala asked.

Cora looked at the shop. "That must be a shop where they sell Moomoo milk and dairy products made from it." She replied.

"Moomoo milk?" Mairin asked.

"Moomoo milk is from Miltank and its good for both Pokémon and humans." Alain added.

"Can we get some ice cream?" Mairin asked, excited.

Cora smiled as she shrugged, "Why not?"

The three along with their Pokémon tried the ice cream and found that delicious as well. Then they went to the Pokémon center to heal up. They gave their Pokémon to Nurse Eleanor Joy for a check-up. 

"So Cora, have you decided on what Pokémon to use for your gym battle?" Mairin asked.

"Well I found out that Whitney, the gym leader, uses Normal-type Pokémon, so it's best to use Fighting-type Pokémon, but I want to have a Poison and Psychic type just in case. So I'm going to use Nemus, Digger and Iroh. Prof. Oak told me that Iroh is close to evolving. I'm hoping that during training that he might evolve."

"Seems a good idea to me." Alain said.

"Yeah." Mairin agreed.

{A/N: Nemus (Venusaur), Digger (Sandslash), Iroh (Jangmo-o)}


After two days of training, Iroh had evolved into Hakamo-o, Maple (Sentret) into Furret and Shiva (Snorunt) evolved into Froslass when she requested a Dawn Stone from her aunt. Alain's Snorunt became a Glalie, Mairin's Lottie (Steenee) evolved Tsareena, Mocha (Sentret) into Furret and Cedar (Bulbasaur) became a Ivysaur. So Cora's Pokémon were ready for the Goldenrod City Gym.


That afternoon, the gang arrived at the Goldenrod Gym. Goldenrod Gym was a plain dome building, with a pink roof. A pink haired girl with a Clefairy by her side was standing outside the gym. Cora knew that the girl was Whitney.

"Hello!" Cora called out.

Whitney turned around, "Hello, are you here to challenge the Gym?" She asked.

Cora smiled, "Yes I am. My name's Cora Joy. Are you the gym leader Whitney?"

"Nice to meet you, Cora. I am Whitney Miyamura, the Gym Leader of Goldenrod Gym and I accept your challenge." Whitney greeted.

"Clefairy!" The fairy Pokémon smiled.


Inside, the gym was just a plain battleground, nothing special or decorative. The Gym Leader and Challenger stood on either side of the field, with a female referee in the middle.

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