The Family of Lugia

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After the Whirl Cup Competition was over, saying goodbye to Trinity, the gang headed over to Silver Rock Isle, the fourth island of the Whirl Islands.

And while the gang were there, they were doing a little sightseeing around the area. The gang many items that are Silver Wing looked-liked, food, accessories and many more. Cora thought that they looked really great, but it didn't compare to her real Silver Wing. Apparently, there was a good reason for Silver Rock Isle obsession with Silver Wing shaped.

Long, long ago a fishing ship, was passing nearby Silver Rock Isle, a storm suddenly came, an incredibly angry, violent storm. The thunder roared, ocean rage and tidal waves, larger than sea before, pounded on the poor sailors. And when the sailors were about to give up hope...A whirlpool, shining a mysterious bright light arose and the storm vanish, in no time at all, the skies cleared and sea at peace once again. Then watch come falling from the sky, but a shimmering Silver Wing. The sailors thought that it's a sign from the sea and that was saved the sailors that day.

And so any jewelry that is made of Silver Rock stone from this island, will protect anyone wearing it from any danger.

The gang found the story amazing to hear and they found out that the ship ended its journey somewhere on Ogi Isle.


So when the gang finished looking around Kasado City, they headed over to a cave which is a tunnel that leads to Ogi Isle.

"Is this it?" Mairin asked.

"Yeah, it is." Brock looked at the guidebook, "This cave should lead us to Ogi Isle."

"Let's go." Cora decided.

The gang walked into the cave.


Inside the cave was dark, but not completely since they entered when it was daylight still.

"This feels creepy a bit." Mairin looked around.

"Being under the ocean, yeah it's creepy alright." Cora agreed.

"It's hard to believe that this one cave can lead us to Ogi Isle." Brock commented.

"Espe!" Kilala chirped up, seeing light ahead.

"Alright, the end of the tunnel!" Ash cheered as he ran ahead.

Cora, Alain, Mairin, Misty and Brock followed after him.


Once the gang entered Ogi Isle, they saw a great view of the ocean and other islands.

"Wow." Cora said, as she felt the breeze here.

"Espe~~" Kilala enjoyed the breeze.

Alain saw something in the grass, "It's a Pikachu." He said.

"Wha?" Mairin blinked.

The Pikachu stood up, with its back turned back towards the gang still.

"It is." Mairin said.

"Maybe there is a whole bunch of Pikachu here?" Brock commented.

"I don't think so." Cora denied.

Kilala and Pikachu recognized the Pikachu, they beamed, "Espeon!/Pika! (Sparky!)" They said.

"Eh? Sparky?" Cora said.

Pikachu in the grass turned around, "Pika?! Pikachu?! (Kilala?! Pikachu?!)" He yelped.

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