Cora Joy vs. The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia

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The next day it was time for Cora's second gym battle and the gang reached Azalea Gym; it was like a giant green house. When they entered the gym, trees and grass was everywhere.

"Wow, this is just like a forest." Mairin commented.

"Yeah, this reminds me of Viridian Forest back in Kanto." Cora added, "I wonder where the gym leader is." 

"He's around here somewhere." Alain said.

"I'm over here." A male voice said.

A boy about thirteen years old, with lavender hair, walked up to the gang. Cora recognized the boy as Bugsy the Azalea Gym Leader.

"Are you the gym leader?" Mairin asked.

"Yes, I'm Bugsy the Azalea Gym Leader." Bugsy replied.

"I'm Cora Joy and I'm here for a gym battle." Cora introduced herself.

"Well I accept your challenge, Cora." Bugsy accepted and led the gang to the battle arena; it was in the middle of the gym with lots of grass and trees surrounding it.

"Since I use bug Pokémon, I intended to make my gym like a forest, since bug Pokémon love forests." He explained.

"I understand what Bugsy means. Gym leaders like to make their gyms just right for whatever type of Pokémon they use." Alain stated.


Now it was time for the gym battle to begin. Cora and Bugsy got ready to battle on the arena, while Alain, Mairin and the Pokémon stayed by the side lines to watch. 

"This official Pokémon Battle between Bugsy Tsukushi the Azalea Town Gym Leader and Cora Joy the Challenger from Viridian City is about to begin." The referee announced, "Each Trainer may use three Pokémon. A Gym Badge is at stake. Are the trainers ready?"


"I am." Cora said.

"Let the battle begin!" The referee announced.

"I'm going to start off with..." Bugsy held out a Pokéball, "I choose, Spinarak!" He sent out the string spit Pokémon.

"Spinarak!" The Pokémon appeared.

"I choose you, Hugo!" Cora released her Volcano Pokémon.

"Arg!" Hugo the Typhlosion appeared on the field.

"Spinarak, use Poison Sting!" Bugsy ordered.

"Spin Spinarak!" The string spit Pokémon fires poisonous needles towards the Volcano Pokémon.

"Dodge it and use Ember, Hugo." Cora countered.

Hugo jumped into the air to avoid the Poison Sting and he fired Ember attack.

"Spinarak, use String Shot to dodge!" Spinarak fired a string of web towards a tree branch, and it avoided the Ember attack. "Now use Night Shade!" It fired a Night Shade attack.

"Protect!" Hugo brought up a green colored barrier around himself, protecting him the Night Shade attack, "Now use Flamethrower." The Volcano Pokémon immediately launches a blast of flames towards the string spit Pokémon.

"Protect!" Spinarak brought up a green barrier around itself. "Electroweb!" The string spit Pokémon fires electricity web toward the Volcano Pokémon.

"Protect again!" Hugo brought up a green colored barrier again, the Electroweb disappeared as it hit the barrier, "Now use Agility and Flamethrower!" Hugo fired a stream of fire from his mouth at Spinarak and the attack hit Spinarak, causing it to fall off the branch and burn its body.

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