Whirl Cup Competition: First & Second Semifinals

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The Whirl Cup Competition, six continuous days of Water Pokémon battling out for the premier title of Water Pokémon Alpha Omega. After winning the opening battle, Cora, Ash and Misty were now in the second round. Ash and Misty would face each other in the second round. 

However, Ash had lost against Misty. Misty's Poliwhirl had beaten Ash's Totodile. Ash had used Kingler when Misty wanted to use Corsola. But Psyduck came out instead and embarrassed itself and Misty when it immediately fell into the water. Ash thought he had it in the bag when his Kingler was fighting against Psyduck, but he totally forgot about Psyduck Psychic abilities which are triggered by its headache. So Misty was able to beat Ash. Although Ash was a little down because of the loss but he wished Misty and Cora good luck in the next match.


"The second battle of today Whirl Cup is Cora against Misty, what is certain to be an exciting match."

"You better watch out Cora because I got even stronger now." Misty declared.

"You better watch out Misty because I ain't going to lose." Cora countered.

"Here are the rules of the match. Each trainer is allowed to use two Pokémon, the first trainer to knock out both opposing Pokémon is the winner." The referee explained the rules.

"Well, I know who I'm starting with. Let's the games begin!" Misty sent the Tadpole Pokémon.

"Poliwhirl!" Poliwhirl appeared on the platform.

"Lets go, Coraline!" Cora sent out her Shiny Corsola.

"Corsola!" Coraline appeared on the platform with a sparkle.

Everyone awed in surprise as a Shiny Water Pokémon is on the field.

"Cora will be battling with her Shiny Corsola, while Misty puts Poliwhirl to the test."

"Ready..." The referee raised both flags in the air, "And, begin!"

"Poliwhirl, use Bubble attack." Misty started off.

"Poliwhirllll!" The frog Pokémon fires Bubble attack towards the shiny coral Pokémon.

"Blizzard Coraline." Cora countered.

"Corsolaaaaaa!" Coraline opens her mouth and blew cold snowy wind towards the incoming Bubble attack, freezing them and they fell into the water.

"Corsola has frozen the Bubble attack."

"That's was a brilliant defense strategy but were not beaten yet! Poliwhirl, use Body Slam!" Poliwhirl bounces into the air and headed towards Coraline.

"And Misty fights back."

"Coraline, Ice Beam on the field." Coraline jumps backwards, dodging the Body Slam attack and froze the entire water with an Ice Beam.

"Unbelievable! Cora has her Shiny Corsola freeze the entire water!"

"Now Icicle Spear!" Cora ordered.

"Corsolllaaaaa!" Coraline fires Icicle Spear towards the Tadpole Pokémon.

"Poliwhirl, use Protect!" Misty defended.

"Poliwhirl!" The Tadpole Pokémon brought up a green barrier around itself, before the Icicle Spear strikes it.

"And Poliwhirl protects itself from the Icicle Spear, talk about a close shot."

"Coraline once that Protect is down, Liquidation." Cora told her Coral Pokémon.

"La!" The shiny coral Pokémon nodded.

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