Welcome Larvitar!

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After saving Alto Mare and bringing Latias and Latios onto Cora's team, the gang is now on their way to New Bark Town where Cora and Ash will get more information about the Silver Conference.


The gang arrived at a local Pokémon center for a break when Nurse Sarah Joy told Cora that she has a phone call from Prof. Elm.

"Pick up a Pokémon egg?" Cora asked.

"[Yes, Naomi, the director of the Marine Pokémon laboratory had found the egg and wanted to give it to me. Since you're nearby, I thought that maybe you could do it.]" Prof. Elm explained.

"We don't mind. We're on our way to you anyway." Cora accepted.

"[Thank you. I'll see you all soon.]" Prof. Elm said before the screen went black.


The gang arrived at the Marine Pokémon Laboratory. But when they got there, the lobby was empty.

"Hellooo! Is anybody here?" Brock called out.

"I wonder where everyone is." Mairin pondered.

"Can I help you?" A famine voice asked.

The gang turned to the voice and saw a woman who looked to be the same age as Prof. Ivy. She had short light red brown hair with a low ponytail with brown eyes and wore a lab coat. Cora knew that this woman is Naomi.

Brock suddenly appeared right in front of Naomi and held both her hands, "Why yes you can. You can tell me your name. Then you can tell me about your likes and dislikes, favorite band, favorite color, your blood type, everything!" He smiled sheepishly with pink cheeks.

Misty grabbed Brock by the ear and pulled him away from Naomi.

"How about most annoying Pokémon breeder she ever met?" Misty frowned.

"Togephriii!" Misty's Togepi chirped.

Cora, Kilala, Alain, Chespie, Pikachu and Ash sighed while Naomi blinked in confusion.

"You're Naomi, right?" Cora asked.

"Why yes I am. So you must be Cora, right?" Naomi asked.

Cora nodded, "Yup."


Naomi brought the gang to her lab and showed them the Pokémon egg she had found.

"Here it is." Naomi brought out the egg, which was in an egg incubator, onto the table.

"Wow, it's green. What kind of Pokémon do you think will hatch from it?" Ash asked.

"It's a complete mystery to me. It had been said that the egg was from a Pokémon preserve area on Mt. Silver, but it was stolen by a group of poachers. Somehow got away from the poachers and it was found and brought here to my lab." Naomi explained.

"And that's when you decided to call for Prof. Elm for help." Alain pointed out.

"That's right, Alain. I figured that he could preserve the egg and make sure it's in good health." Naomi stated. "Here you go." She gently handed the egg to Cora who held it carefully.

Cora recalled that this was a Larvitar egg. However, this Larvitar had suffered a lot while it was still unhatched. It amazed her how a young Pokémon could see all that while it remained in its egg.

"Thank you, Naomi." Cora thanked Naomi.

Naomi smiled and nodded, "You're welcome."


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