Cora Joy vs. The Mystic Seer of the Future

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The next day, Cora was getting her Pokémon checked for her gym battle against Morty.

"Thank you, Aunt Hazel." Cora smiled as she took her three Pokéballs from the tray.

"You're welcome and good luck, Cora." Nurse Hazel Joy said.

Cora nodded and headed back to the gang. The gang exited out of the Ecruteak City Pokémon Centre and headed towards the Ecruteak Gym.

"So Cora, have you decided what Pokémon to use apart from Poseidon?" Mairin asked.

"Yep." Cora replied.

"Who'd you pick?" Ash questioned, curious.

Cora smiled wistfully, "You'll see."

"Well you better watch it in the gym battle against Morty, Cora." Alain warned.

"Yeah, since Morty uses Ghost-type Pokémon, this battle will turn out to be difficult." Brock added.

"You're right Alain, Brock," Cora agreed, "After all Ghost Pokémon are tricky. But my Pokémon know Psychic-type and Dark-type moves, and I've been training them for this. So everything will be all right."

Misty smiled nervously. "Trust you to be confident, Cora." She commented.


When the gang arrived at the front of the Ecruteak Gym and they saw a man at the front.

"Greetings." The man bowed towards the gang, "Mr. Matsuba is expecting you. I'll take you to him."

Cora nodded, "Thank you."

The gang followed the man.

As they entered the gym, they noticed that there were some children were inside the gym as well as Morty.

"Excuse sir." The man interrupted Morty.

"Huh?" Morty looked towards the entrance door.

"The trainer has arrived to challenge you." The man told the Gym Leader.

"Hello Morty." Cora greeted.

"Hello everyone." Morty greeted. "And yes, I've been expecting you, Cora."

"Are we interrupting something?" Cora asked, curiously as she looked at the kids.

"It looks like it." Alain said.

"Gastly..." The Gastly's floated around the Ecruteak Gym Leader and his Gengar.

"Oh, I was lecturing my students about Ghost-type Pokémon." Morty answered, "Teaching is another part of a Gym Leader job. Thanks for helping out, guys, I think that all for now." He told the Gastly's.

"Gastly..." All the gas Pokémon disappeared.

Morty turned towards his Pokémon, "Gengar, you should take a little break too." He held out his Pokéball.

"Gengar." The shadow Pokémon nodded, before returning back to its Pokéball.

Morty walked towards Cora, "Class, this is Cora Joy from Viridian City and she'll be challenging our gym today."

Cora blinked.

"I would like them to observe our battles today, Cora, it's only one in a lifetime experience for them to see him."

The students stood up and all gave Cora a bow, "Please Miss Cora." They said.

"Well Cora?" The Ecruteak Gym Leader questioned.

Cora gave a smile, "Sure, my Pokémon and I don't mind." She said.

"Espeon!" Kilala nodded.

Morty and Cora got ready for their battle on the gym battle arena. Alain, Mairin and Brock stood behind Cora, against the wall, while Morty's students stood on the side. against the wall to watch.

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