The Burned Tower

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On the way to Ecruteak City, the gang (Cora, Alain, Mairin and their Pokémon) had some adventures before arriving. Their first adventure was when they met up with Duplica and Ditto again. Duplica also introduced her new Pokémon, Mini-dit who was a Ditto who can transforming into large Pokémon in pint size. That amazed the gang. Team Rocket had shown up and tried to steal Mini-dit. But Cora and Duplica were able to stop them and send them blasting off. Duplica told the gang that she plans to become the greatest performer, and names herself and her Pokémon Team Ditto. The gang knew that Team Ditto will become the greatest.

Second adventure; The gang had met up with Aya, sister to the gym leader Koga. She explains she's training with an Ariados, the evolved form of Spinarak, to learn the special art of Pokémon Jujitsu. Accepting an invitation from the trainer, the gang joins her for a day at the Pokémon Jujitsu Academy. As usual, Team Rocket showed up and tried to steal the Pokémon. Luckily, the gang, Aya and Aya's sensei were able to save the Pokémon and sent the trio blasting off once more. When the gang prepared to leave, Aya and Sensei thanked them for their help.

With Pokémon training, some of the gang's Pokémon had evolved. Alain's Elekid evolved into Electabuzz, Torracat into Incineroar, Snorunt into Glalie. Mairin's Jubilee (Fidough) evolved into Dachsbun. Cora's Ringo (Grookey) evolved into Thwackey, Nessy (Goomy) evolved into Sliggoo, Neptune (Wartortle) into Blastoise and Cayenne (Torracat) into Incineroar.


After going through many adventures and Pokémon training, the gang finally made it to Ecruteak City. Mairin had managed to catch a Ledyba.

"Finally, we're here." Mairin sighed, tiredly.

"Let's go." Alain sighed.

"Yeah, to the Pokémon Centre." Cora decided.

The gang headed to the Pokémon Centre, handing their Pokémon to Nurse Hazel Joy, booking two rooms, took a nice warm bath and finally have a small nap.


After napping for two hours, the gang was refreshed again.

"Phew I needed that rest." Mairin sighed in relief.

"So did I," Alain agreed, "especially our Pokémon."

"Speaking of Pokémon, I've been thinking about something," Cora said, "Since I got that item Metal Coat from my new Steelix from the swap meet, I've been thinking about evolving Chrystal into a Steelix."

"I call that a good idea. Chrystal must be very strong, so I think it is time for her to evolve." Alain agreed.

Cora got her Crystal Onix from Prof Oak and told Chrystal about becoming a Steelix. Chrystal was very eager to evolve into that. Cora gave Chrystal a Metal Coat to hold, returned her to her Pokéball, and went to the Pokémon center's trading machine with Alain.

Once they were traded, Alain released Chrystal her Pokéball, and as soon as the Crystal Pokémon were out of her Pokéball she began to glow. Chrystal evolved into a Crystal Steelix. After the evolution, Alain and Cora traded their Pokémon back. Cora was happy with her new crystal Steelix. She gave Chrystal her Mega Stone and she happy to have it. Cora had asked her aunt Hazel if she had any Dawn Stones. Luckily Hazel did and Cora gave the Dawn Stone to Shiva (Snorunt) and she evolved into Froslass.

Cora took out her Rotom phone and scanned Shiva's evolved form:

Cora took out her Rotom phone and scanned Shiva's evolved form:

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