Whirl Cup Competition: Finals

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Today is the final day of the Whirl Cup Competition. Cora has emerged victorious through all her matches. She is now facing against Bert Henrikson for the Mystic Water Pendant and the title Water Pokémon Alpha Omega.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final day of the Whirl Cup Competition. Throughout the battles, it was spectacular and wonderful of Water Pokémon Battle! Today we are witnessing two last talented trainers and their Pokémon, as they battle each other out for the title of Water Pokémon Alpha Omega."

The audience cheered, loudly.

"Now let's welcome our competitors who has made it to the final round!"

Both competitors walked onto the platform, appearing.

"We have Cora Joy versus Bert Henrikson. Battling in the final match of the Whirl Cup."

"Here are the rules of the final match. Each trainer is allowed to use three Pokémon, the first trainer to knock out all three opposing Pokémon is the winner." The referee explained, the rules.

"Feraligator, show them who's boss." Bert sent out the big jaw Pokémon.

"Feraligatorrrr!" The big jaw Pokémon roared.

"Bert has chosen his strong Feraligator as his first Pokémon. Who will Cora choose?"

Cora held out a Pokéball, "Let's go, Rory!" She sent out the shiny Atrocious Pokémon.

"Gyararrrrr!" Rory appeared, with a sparkle and roared.

"We have Bert's Feraligator against Cora's Gyarados."

"Ready..." The referee raised both red and green flags into the air, "And begin!"

"Feraligator use Ice Beam!" Bert started off.

"Rory, Flamethrower." Cora countered.

Both Ice Beam and Flamethrower collided in the center of the field, creating a misty smoke.

"We can't see anything in this smoke."

"Feraligator, in the water!" Bert shouted towards the smoke.

"Feraligator!" The big jaw Pokémon dove into the water.

"Iron Tail!" Cora called out.

Rory dove into the water, he saw the Big Jaw Pokémon and he quickly swam towards it, with his tail glowing metallic color and he slammed it onto the stomach of Feraligator, sending it out of the water, into the sky.

"Woah! What was that?! It's Feraligator!"

Bert looked up, shocked that his Pokémon is out, he was wondering what happened.

"Twister!" Rory roared as he spun around in the water, creating a water tornado, shooting straight up.

"Feraligator!" The Big Jaw Pokémon shouted, surprised and it fell within the Twister, spinning round and round.

"Feraligator, use Dragon Claw!" Bert commanded.

Feraligator claws extended with a green claw sharp aura, it sliced the Twister and landed on the platform with a huge splash.

Rory resurfaced, snarling at the Big Jaw Pokémon and Feraligator growled back.

"Feraligator... It's exhausted already." Bert said, disbelief.

Feraligator is currently panting heavily, getting the Iron Tail and the Twister attack hitting it and the breaking free of the Twister took a lot out of it.

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