Lance and the Red Gyarados

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The gang were now getting close to Mahogany Town where Cora will get her seventh badge at the Mahogany Gym. Only problem they had was that they were a little bit lost. On a side note, Cora's Pokemon egg hatched a female Noibat which she named 'Fiona'. 

"Can't believe we're lost again." Mairin complained.

Suddenly Kilala (Shiny Espeon), Chespie (Chespin) and Jevin (Togepi) chirped weakly.

"Kilala, are you okay?" Cora asked.

"Chespie, Jevin, what's wrong?" Mairin asked.

Cora checked Kilala, Chespie and Jevin all over, "That's strange. None of them don't have a fever or anything."

Just then Alain saw some wild grass and bug Pokémon and they all looked sick.

"There's something weird going on around here and I don't like it." He said.

Cora and Mairin didn't like it either.

Suddenly a roaring noise was heard not far from where the gang was standing.

"What was that?" Mairin asked.

"That sounded like a Gyarados and a very angry one too." Cora replied.

"We better see what's going on. There might be trouble about." Alain decided.


The gang came to a huge lake, and then suddenly a red colored Gyarados burst out of the lake. The gang got scared by that.

"A shiny Gyarados!" Mairin gasped.

Gyarados began swaying about in the lake.

"I think that Gyarados is sick too." Alain observed.

"You're right Alain," Cora agreed, "and it seems to be in terrible pain too. We should go and get some help."

The gang were about to leave, but then three men came up to them.

"You kids aren't going anywhere," One of the men said, who seemed to be the leader, "especially you have seen the Red Gyarados."

"Team Rocket!" The gang shouted, noticing the R sign on the men's vests.

Cora noticed that the leader was Tyson. She absolutely hated this guy.

"Since you kids also know who we are, it's all more the reason to not let you kids go." Tyson said as he took out a Pokéball, "Go Fearow!"

"Fearow!" Fearow appeared.

Cora took out a Pokéball, "Aries, let's go!"

"Amp!" Aries the Ampharos appeared.

But as soon as Aries came out of her Pokéball, she started to feel sick too. Cora quickly returned her Pokémon. This gave Tyson a chance to attack the gang with Fearow.

"Fearow, use Drill Peck!" Tyson ordered.

But then, at that moment the Fearow was struck by a Thunder Wave attack. A man, with red hair, was riding a Dragonite appeared in front of the gang. Cora knew that the man was Lance of the Elite Four.

"You kids get away from here." Lance ordered.

The gang did as they were told and started to run away into the forest.


At that time, the gang had now stopped running, and then Lance and his Dragonite showed up.

"Thanks for helping us back there." Brock thanked Lance.

At that moment, Kilala, Chespie and Jevin stopped feeling sick, which made Cora and the others relieved.

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