Cora Joy vs. His Roaring Fists Do the Talking

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It wasn't long before the ferry finally arrived at Cianwood City. Janina headed over to the pharmacy at once to pick up the medicine for Jasmine's Ampharos. After claiming the medicine, Janina jumped onto another ferry back to Olivine City. She needed to give the medicine to Jasmine as soon as she could. Cora, Alain and Mairin goodbye to Janina and asked her to tell Sparkle to get well soon.

The gang had decided to stay at the Pokémon Center and Cora decided to do some training for Poppy (Tsareena) and Raiden (was now old enough to train and his height is past Cora's waist) who would participate in the gym. Kage (Marshadow) helped the two with some fighting type moves of his own. 


The gang was now making their way to the Cianwood Gym.

"I can't wait to battle at this gym." Cora said with excitement.

Soon they reached a sort of fighting dojo building.

"It's a dojo." Alain said and he noticed a sign on the building, "Um, 'Shijima Fighting Dojo School'."

"Seems like it." Cora agreed.

"Welcome." A woman voice greeted them from the entrance of the gateway.

"Hello ma'am." Cora greeted back.

"I'm Miho Shijima. I take it you are here to battle my husband?" Miho asked.

"Your husband?" Cora asked.

"That's right. Chuck is my husband and he's the Gym Leader of Cianwood Gym." Miho responded.

"Oh, so the fighting dojo building is the Cianwood Gym." Mairin commented.

Miho nodded, "Yes. My husband also teaches people how to become strong fighter and great Fighting-type Pokémon Trainers, so this building is both a fighting dojo, known as Shijima Fighting Dojo School." She explained.

"Interesting." Alain commented.

"Follow me, I'll take you where my husband is now." Miho said.

"Thank you." The gang said.

The gang followed Miho into the building.


As the gang followed Chuck's wife, she has led them to the battlefield area, and they saw a man and a Machoke in the center.

"My husband loves to practice fighting with his Pokémon. It also puts him into shape." Miho explained, "Truth is that he looks flabby most of the time, so training does him good." She gave a giggle at the end.

"Ah." The gang nodded.

"Um." Chuck noticed the gang with his wife, "Who are these children my dear?" He asked.

"This is Cora, Alain and Mairin." Miho introduces the gang, "And honey, Cora here wishes to challenge you for a Storm Badge."

When Chuck heard the word, 'challenge' and 'Storm Badge', he began to show off his muscles, "Listen well child, I'm the meanest, leanest, toughest, roughest Fighting Pokémon Master of all the land." He introduces himself, proudly, "But you can call me Chuck. And I don't show mercy in our battle."

Cora nodded, "That's fine Chuck. I'm looking forward to a great battle." She said.

Chuck chuckled, loudly, "Ahaha! That's what I like to hear!" He exclaimed.


And so, Cora and Chuck went to stand on each side of the field. Alain, Kilala and Mairin sat next to Miho on the side.

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