Hour of the Houndour

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Sometime after the events at the Pokémon Swap meet, the gang were having lunch at a café in a town.

"I'm glad we are eating at a town for once," Mairin said, "It's been days since we were at Azalea Town."

"Yeah and we can relax and stock on supplies here." Alain agreed.

Suddenly they heard a noise; somebody was shouting, "Stop thief!"

Then they saw a black, white and red dog Pokémon running past, carrying a lump of meat in its mouth.

"That was a Houndour." Alain said.

Cora took out her phone and looked up the Pokémon:

[Houndour, the dark Pokémon. It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others.]

Just then Nurse Camila Joy turned up. "Did you see a Houndour run by here?" she asked.

"Yes we did, but it just left." Alain replied.

"Uh Aunt Camila, could you explain what's going on with the Houndour?" Cora asked.


Nurse Camila Joy brought the gang to the Pokémon Center to explain to the situation.

"There has been trouble with a pack of Houndour during this week," she said, "They would sneak into this town and then they steal food and take it back to the forest with them. The worst part is that if you try to fight them, the Houndour pack will fight you back."

"Any ideas of why they are doing that?" Mairin asked.

"None I'm afraid, but if they don't stop doing this soon, then they'll all have to be captured." Nurse Camila Joy replied, sadly.

The gang didn't know who to feel sorry for; the people of the town or the Houndour pack. But Cora already knew why the Houndour were stealing food.

"Why don't we investigate this? I'm sure there's a good reason why the Houndour are stealing food." Cora suggested.

"I have an idea." Alain said.


That night, when the full moon was out, the gang set up a way to find out about the Houndour pack. Alain had just cooked some hot dogs.

"No doubt that the Houndours will defiantly fall for this. When they come here to grab the hot dogs, we will follow them when they run off with them." Alain said.

"But how will we follow them in the dark?" Mairin asked.

"With my Crobat," Alain replied and released his bat Pokémon, "Don't forget that Crobat can see where it's going in the dark."

The gang got ready for the Houndour pack to appear as Alain has left the cooked hotdogs out on a plate and they hid in the bushes.

Alain's Crobat hid in a tree, keeping an eye out for the Houndour pack. Suddenly the gang heard a growling noise.

"I think they're here." Cora whispered.

They gang sat very still and quiet in the bushes, and then suddenly a Houndour arrived. The Houndour took one of the hotdogs and ran off with it.

"Follow it, Crobat." Alain ordered.

Crobat got off the tree and followed Houndour in the sky. The gang followed Crobat, taking great care not to be seen by the Houndour.


Finally, the Houndour stopped at the foot of rocky hills. The gang stayed out of sight on the top of a hill.

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