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________________________________"THIS IS IT!" Aiesar roared, as he suddenly appeared behind Jinn

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"THIS IS IT!" Aiesar roared, as he suddenly appeared behind Jinn. "I didn't run, it was merely a tactical retreat! There's no need for you to end your life for this scum, I'll drown him where he stands!" he continued, while an orb of water encapsulated Jinn's head, cutting off his oxygen completely.

Alzalam flashed a relieved smile and ceased his attack. He raised his hands saying "Praise be to The Most High." before collapsing from his fatigue.

Juri looked on, her heart torn on what to do, what to believe as she watched her supposed beloved drown before her very eyes. "And this, is for Easifuh!" Aiesar yelled. In that moment, he placed his hands on either side of the water orb and increased the pressure, effectively crushing Jinn's head slowly.

"Gggggggggraaaaghhh" he let out a ghastly noise as he gargled and yelled in pain, distorted by the water around his head.

Juri was at her breaking point, despite what's happening, despite the evil influence that's taken hold of her beloved, she just couldn't bear to stand there and watch him die! "STOP IT!!!" she shrieked! The golden gal unleashed her Qudra and blasted Aiesar, leaving him temporarily incapacitated.

Jinn coughed violently, having been moments away from drowning.

"J-Jinto, are you ok? Are you, yourself now?" Juri asked

However, she was met with a deathly glare from his amber eyes, unrecognisable from the deep calming black they once were.

"You.... As long as you live I won't know peace. You enslaved my people once before, I won't let you do it again!" he roared, as he lashed out at her, throwing wild punches everywhere.

'Woosh, slip, woosh!' The royal vixen narrowly evaded each blow as she tried to plead with him. "Jinto, it's me! Jinto stop, please I beg you!" she desperately pleaded. Her heart was pounding like never before and a vicious nausea seized her. Having to fight her beloved, seeing her nightmare become reality, was Bulqise right all along?

"My dear daughter, the man you once knew is gone, or rather, he has revealed his true self! Defeat him and get to safety. You must return to Casia and meet your father. And there is a discreet matter which you must survive to fulfil, now go my dear!" Bulqise's voice echoed inside Juri's head.

In that moment, her whirlpool of emotions welled up as she let out a distraught scream, blowing her attacker back with her golden Qudra. "Grrrrr! Do you really intent to fight me!?" Jinn bellowed as he shielded himself from her brilliant light.

"It was you who taught me.... That all that matters is survival!" the valiant vixen roared as she charged towards her beloved.

"I'll erase you from this world!" Jinn cried, as the two viciously crashed into each other.

'Bam, pow, woosh, crack!' The two lovers vehemently exchanged Qudra charged blows! Juri began to lose ground in the deadly exchange, until her foe had her back pressed up against the wall. "Bwahahahah! Looks like this version of you is just as weak!" Jinn mocked, whilst he savagely thrashed her, determined to break the now shelled up Juri. His every blow was like a hammer trying to demolish a building wall.

"I have never been so proud of you! To think, MY daughter would stand alone, against the devil who threatens Casia's existence! The world destroyer himself! You truly are the delight of my eyes, my darling daughter. Soon, everything can be like how it was. We can have peace. We can be together again as mother and daughter. But first, you must defeat him. Do not doubt your Casian blood! You're far more powerful than you realise! Did you not see how Sigma and those filthy creatures cowered before your magnificent golden Qudra! Your mother believes in you. Together we will reform Casia. So go forth and claim victory!" Bulqise echoed inside her head. These words of affirmation, the beautifully drawn dreams illustrated by Bulqise was enough motivation to help Juri further tap into her latent power!

Immediately! A beautiful, bright light burst forth from Juri. "W-what!?" Jinn exclaimed. But before he could take another breath, the golden gal grabbed his fist, pulled him towards her, then swiftly spun behind him. "HYAAAAA!" she screamed! As she grasped the back of Jinn's head, and drove it through the brick wall like a wrecking ball, into the ground. Before he could retaliate, the invigorated Juri pressed her knee into his back, restrained one arm and with her free hand, she charged up a powerful blast aimed at the back of the dubious devil's head.

"W-wait! It's me! I'm back. Would you really harm your..." 'KABOOM!'. Jinn's desperate efforts to deceive her into thinking Jinto was back were only met with a powerful blast to his head, caving him further into the ground. Juri stood over him victoriously, examining her downed enemy.

"KHYAA! You wretch!" Jinn hissed with venom. 'Bam!' Instantly, he sprung up and threw a calamitous uppercut which left Juri airborne! Unsatisfied with just this, the diabolical demon growled an inhuman grown, then wildly pounced into the air.

"Not only was you born into royalty but you was born for battle! My elegant angel! It is not just your blood which makes you superior! No! Your father and I saw to it that you were physically enhanced! You are the pinnacle of perfection. So believe in yourself! Your beauty would make the heavens swoon! Yet your untapped might could crush the very Earth itself! You are like a thorny rose which blesses those worthy with it's fragrance, while the vile ones are met with it's prickly thorns. Now, my daughter, pierce him with your thorns of justice in order to illuminate the kingdom of Casia!" Bulqise bellowed inside Juri's mind.

"Yes! Mother!" Juri shouted. She was a star shining bright, fuelled by her mother's words of encouragement. Finally, she could have what was taken from her. Once more she could make her mother proud. Indeed, there is nothing more blinding than love...
In that moment, Jinn fired a black fire ball at her, however the princess deftly evaded the attack.

"Predictable!" he exclaimed, as the fireball morphed into a shadow flame, with Juri caught between the two. However, the battle hardened heroine used her Qudra to forcefully descend to the ground, as Jinn and his shadow flame tried to pincer her. 'BOOM!' A huge explosion erupted from the two colliding into each other like freight trains full of TNT!

"So... he can be harmed by his own flames?" Juri said to herself, while her foe fell to the ground like a swatted fly.

"That was absolutely splendid my precious. Marvellous! Truly a spectacle to wonder at! My daughter, the noble sword of Casia shall smite down any foe!" Bulqise said, spurring her daughter on.

"Kkkkkh, if only I wasn't in this battered body. You'd be child's play...." Jinn scorned, as he lay on the floor, reeling from the explosion. Juri walked over to the smoking mass that was Jinn.

"(Sigh) Oh, Jinto..." the woeful warrior whimpered as she pointed an open palm towards Jinn. Time held its breath, as if it was in shock, as Juri charged her final attack...

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