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The two eldest Black siblings stood, backs straight, on Platform 9 3/4 awaiting the magical train that'd take them away to Hogwarts for the next few months. Sirius nudged his younger sister trying frantically to get her to stop smiling. "Syd stop it... Syd" he snapped his fingers in her face to get her out of the trance like state that she was in. "I'm here" she smiled, her facial expressions going from 100 to 0 very quickly. She formed a tight lipped smile (much like her mothers) as they departed with the youngest black sibling and their parents.

Sydra and Sirius stood shoulder to shoulder in complete awe at the Hogwarts express. Parents bustled around the platform giving their children a dusting down and the last hugs and kisses. The twins thought about how their parents were in comparison to the parents Infront of them, although they were family, they were strangers to the twins. One woman (who was trying to wrestle her son's tangled hair) was shouting "James!!!! What do you do to your hair on a morning?!" as the small boy shrugged at her, the conductors called for the last round up of students and the twins practically sprinted towards the train.

One minor fight later and the twins had found a compartment with comfy seats and a half decent luggage rail. The children glanced at eachother and just laughed. "Freedom Sirius" Syd said, imaging all the possibilities now without their parents in the picture for the next few months. "Freedom sy-"
"PETTIGREW GIVE ME THE COMB!" A large shout interupted Sirius. Both the twins sat up to look out the compartment windows to see the boy called James running after a smaller, fatter boy before 'pettigrew' fell flat on his face. Sirius couldn't help the laughter and went to inspect the whole issue instantly befriending the messy haired boy.

Syd got up to help the fatter of the two. "are you okay?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I think so" he smiled at her a little red in the face. "I'm Syd by the way and that's my twin brother Sirius" she said inspecting his nose. "I'm Peter, and he's James" he said quickly. The boy looked at the two and it was clear he saw the similarities in the pair.

Sirius and Syd took the two new boys into their cosy compartment and it was very obvious that Sirius had found a friend. James and Sirius sat for the first half an hour of the train ride playing exploding snap, with each whizz and pop Peter would jump and it was taking all of the girl's effort not to break into hysterical laughter.

Halfway into the ride a ginger haired girl, covered in freckles knocked on the door with two other first year students behind her, a brunette girl with a kind face and messy curls and a lanky boy with mousy hair, amber eyes and a scarred face. The ginger girl asked if they could sit with them and introduced herself as Lily, the boy as Remus and the other girl as Marlene.

Sydra settled down and began reading after the extra people had introduced themselves and got a seat. Once her book was pulled out of her bag it was promptly snatched out of her hand by the mousy haired boy (who'd introduced himself as Remus). She stared for a second at where the book had been before turning to the boy "Oi!" she laughed.

"Oh now you've done it mate" Sirius said from his seat on the floor "rule one, never touch the book"
"Rule two, if you touch the book give it back promptly" James chimed in even though he had no idea what she was like, he was right but still!

Remus shook his head clearly not concerned and inspected the book three times over "where did you get this?" He gasped as he opened the book.
"Charity shop?..." Syd replied mildly confused.
"Once you've read it, may I please borrow it?... Please" Remus said hopefully .
"If you give it back, sure, ofcourse" she laughed and took it back off him and opened the book up again. It was her all time favourite 'The Quangle Wangle's Hat' by Edward Lear. The story was amazing and clearly Remus thought so too.

Remus' face stayed bright red for the rest of the train ride and boat trip over to the castle, in the boats he had to share with Syd and sat as far away as possible from her.

In the Great hall the first years all lined up and the twins held eachother excitedly. "If we are Slytherin I'm gonna jump off the astronomy tower" Sirius whispered quietly in his sister's ear.

"BLACK, Sydra" the hat called out. Syd's heart beat against her ribs, if she didn't know it was impossible she would have thought her heart had slipped between her ribs and was beating like a cartoon's heart does in moments of fear.
"Anything but Slytherin, even ravenclaw would do..." She whispered as quiet as possible.

"ANYTHING, But Slytherin huh?...." The hat teased "your mind is too kind for Slytherin, although you have alot of ambition.... I think .... GRIFFINDOR!" The hat called and a huge wave of relief spread over her as she basically tossed the hat off of her perfect curls.

The hat did the same for Sirius, James, Remus, Peter, Lily and Marlene. The girls made plans to do makeovers and nails all night while the boys (aside from Remus) all decided that tonight was the night to explore.

And this is how so many friendships were made.

Hey, quick AN 'The Quangle Wangle's Hat' is an amazing kids story and y'all should read it!!!!!!!

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