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*5 years later (5th year or year 11 whatever you wanna call it)*

"GOOOOOOD morning beautiful girls" Lily's voice echoed through the dorm at 6 am on a Saturday morning. Syd threw her pillow from under her head at the ginger "Go to sleeep.... SLEEP SCROOGE!!" She said trying not to laugh but was already awake "what have you done Evans..." Marlene said looking at sydra's hair, "So that's why you normally get up after us, to fix your birds nest in peace" Marlene chipped in as sydra's hair fell over her eyes in one huge Black knot. "I need it cut off" Syd chuckled and went into the bathroom to fix herself up for the first weekend of 5th year.

When Syd had emerged from the bathroom she'd tamed her hair and even managed to get her natural curls sorted. She'd put on a thin strapped black dress with black tights and black doctor Martin's. This is why people thought her and Sirius looked so similar.

Remus sat in one of the plush armchairs in the common room humming some unrecognisable tune to himself "good morning" he said as Syd came down the stairs. "Oh so she gets a good morning and I get half a pint of milk poured over my head" James mumbled angrily. Remus nodded in response, rather proud of himself.

"Good morning everyone" she said sleepily and came and sat on the floor Infront of a grumpy looking Sirius. "Why do we have to get up this early on a Saturday Lils?" Sirius said as she looked at him with a look that could kill. "Are you being serious?" She laughed
"YES!" Everyone aside from Remus replied with.

"Because it's the first Griffindor quidditch practice you idiots!" She barked at them all. Sirius' eyes nearly popped out if his head, James hit himself in the face, Peter started crying and Syd started hysterically laughing.

James and Sirius had made the team in the 3rd year, James as a chaser and Sirius as a beater. This year however, Syd had been gifted the position as commentator. James being like a third brother to Syd was so happy and Sirius was just scared for his own safety, knowing Syd she'd bring something like his childhood stuffed animal into the commentary.

Remus however was thrilled that she had gotten the position, she'd told him the year previous how much she wanted to do the commentary and he was happy for her when she received the owl saying that she had infact gotten the job.


As the group of friends made their way down to the quidditch stands Syd linked arms with Remus and whispered "how can I bring his baby bath time into this?". He chuckled at her words, over the few years he'd grown to trust Sydra more then the boys and told her about his furry little problem before he'd decided to tell the boys.

"I'm not sure, but I know you'll find a way" he smirked at her and began humming that tune again.

"SIRIUS" His twin barked "look, 4 o'clock, Brodie Wood" Sirius' head whipped round to stare at the boy. Wood was the Griffindor quidditch captain and the year above Sirius, Sirius had completely fallen for him by 4th year, he'd always try and talk to the older boy and stumble over his words. He loved him, he loved his passion for quidditch and he loved his stupid face.

Sirius had come out as gay in their 3rd year Christmas break, Syd had obviously known before hand but she was happy he had the courage to formally come out. However their parents were not happy that Christmas, that's why Sirius' face got burnt of the family tree and ever since then, Sirius had been living with the Potters.

This year was off to a strange start so far, no James asking Lily to go out with him every hour of every day, more quidditch and no book stealing off Remus and Remus wouldn't stop humming that intoxicating song. Syd was concerned but it was nice.

Sirius and James took their places on the field as lily, remus, Marlene and Syd made their way up to the stalls, Syd took her place at the mic and said hello to everyone "so, I'll try not to bring up any embarrassing Sirius stories but I'm free after the match... WOOD" she smirked.

Practice was pretty boring, Syd and Marlene ended up having to nudge lily and Remus everytime something went well so they could cheer for their friends.

Walking back up to the castle, it was roughly lunch time so they made their way to the Great hall. "Remus, have you got any Muggle books?" Syd said as she chucked a bit of everything on her plate then Remus' plate for him. "Always" he blushed and went digging in his bag for them.

"I swear your a human library" Syd chuckled as she threw more food on Remus' plate when he wasn't looking ('he's scarily skinny') "stop putting food on my plate Syd" he said as he pulled a book with a red leather cover out of his bag. She pulled a face at him and he copied her actions almost flirtatiously.

"When are they going to get together?" Lily whispered to Sirius. "When you and mystery guy do" he chuckled as he knew she she was interested someone, he just didn't know who.

"JAMSIE, I mean James, are you okay?" Syd called from down the table. He'd been strangely quiet since the beginning of the year and he wasn't behaving like his normal self. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I'm just gonna go outside" he said with a quick, half hearted smile that made his friends question if he was truly okay.

Sydra and Remus picked up their plates and shimmyed up the table to meet their friends "what's going on with assface?" Syd asked her twin. Sirius shrugged in response. The hall doors banged again.

"I'll be back"

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