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September 28th

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEER REMUS... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" The bunch of friends called as the tired werewolf came down the stairs from his dorm in his stripey pajama bottoms and a fraying jumper, his hair was in a messy tangle on the top of his head.

"Haha deer" James said goofily, "did you like my input moony?" He giggled. He was met with several eye rolls. "Give the man some presents!!!" The eldest Black called from his seat on the deep couch. Lily and Marlene went first since they'd bought him a joint present.

The large box the girls handed him was beautifully wrapped with a lopsided bow on the top, the bow was Marlenes touch.

"Open it!" Lily demanded and the boy jumped in his seat as he began tearing off the wrapping paper like a child on Christmas morning.

He was met with a large brown box and he opened that with elegance to finally reveal the starts of Lily and Marlene's present. "Lily. Marls, you know I can't right?" He laughed as he looked at the small portion of an acoustic guitar case. "Well, this is for those times that you do know how to play it" Lily winked. He pulled it out of the box and opened the beautiful case to reveal an even more beautiful guitar in mint condition. It had one sticker on it saying 'werewolves are meant to rock'. "The stickers were my idea" Marlene chimed.

"My present next plllleaaaaaseeee" Sirius whined and Remus rolled his eyes before nodding his head. He reached behind the couch and grabbed a peculiarly shaped package. "Oh god, you didn't did you?" Syd laughed. "Oh sister... I did" he grinned and handed his friend the package.

Remus eyed the present cautiously and began to unwrap it while Syd laughed from her seat on the floor Infront of her twin.

As Remus pulled the paper away from his gift the distinct clattering of a cauldron was heard and he looked at Sirius "is this because you melted mine?" He laughed and Sirius went red "You melted your own cauldron when you said I could borrow it!" He laughed.

He pulled the rest of the paper off to reveal that the cauldron had its own spoon, a spoon with a strange engraving... An engraving of Sirius' face with the words 'Best Mate' under his engraved chin. The group of friends burst into laughing fits "he got me one for our birthday last year, scary isn't it" Syd laughed.

After the hilarity of Sirius' present wore off, James gave Remus his present. Remus shook the box "I know what this is" he smiled excitedly and ripped the paper off and opened the box to expose a pair of green high top converse "it's nothing much pal but you needed a new pair" James laughed and clapped his hand on Remus' shoulder before sitting back down.

Peter was up next and he gave Remus a basket of pastries and sweets that were wrapped to look like different books.

"I believe that leaves me, unless you got yourself a gift" Syd joked before pulling out a large heavy box "Sirius a little help please" she laughed as she pushed the box towards her best friend. He watched her struggle and held back laugher as her face went red with the effort. She managed to push the box Infront of him "why didn't I just use magic?" She whispered.

Remus looked the box over "why... Why have you used penguin wrapping paper?" He laughed As he looked at the box that was covered in teal paper with penguins with musical instruments. "Because well, penguins rock okay!!" She said, rather flustered.

Remus peeled away the paper with care and opened the box to show it was filled with tattered old books, some of which Remus had never heard of before. Some magical, some muggle, there was a variety of colours.

Syd watched Remus' facial expressions hoping that he liked her present, she watched as he got up from his seat and pulled her into a tight hug. She paused before wrapping her arms round him "thank you so much" he whispered into her neck. He was hunched over significantly, she stroked his hair "your welcome Remy, anytime" she smiled before lowering her voice "some of them have surprises but I'm not gonna tell you which ones" she teased.

Whilst the pair stood hugging eachother, Marlene pretended to gag, James made kissy faces and Sirius pretended to make out with himself. Lily and Peter were the only ones not making fun of the two friends.

Once Remus finally let go of the girl he was very red in the face. Syd gave him a small clap on the back before he returned to his seat. "So how does it feel to be 16 Remus?" Lily asked joyfully.
"I feel godly" he said sarcastically.


The day passed normally, the friends attended lessons and sung Remus 'Happy Birthday' after every class. At lunch they all sat together and joked around "How's the potion spoon treating you?" Sirius asked since they'd all just come from potions, aside from Peter. "Pretty good, however it is really odd having a face look up at me from the potion" he pulled a strange sort of face which made Syd choke on her lunch. Sirius patted her on the back violently.

James was still acting off glancing over his shoulder occasionally almost as if he was looking for someone.

Someone was definitely looking for him.

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