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The morning after the friends were let out of the hospital wing, Syd woke up within Marlene's bed. She looked at the drooling brunette and chuckled slightly as she got up to go and take a shower. She ran the hot water from their rickety old shower. It took a while for the water to actually get hot. The girl took a towel from the underneath of their shared bathroom sink and laid it over the glass shower wall before placing her body under the warm stream of water. As the water doused the girl, she heard her dorm door open.

She ran shampoo and conditioner through her growing hair and set the bottles down to wash her body. Remus' words ran through her mind as the white noise of the water ran round the small bathroom. 'Would you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend, Sunny?' the girl had said yes, she really hoped that this one outing wouldn't make the rest of their friendship awkward.

She got out of the shower and wrapped her hair and body in the fluffy towels. She remembered the paperwork she'd found at Grimmauld Place. Syd's heart sank, she was to be married. Already technically engaged, was she leading Remus on? She was destined to be a high society wife and mother. That's when the sickness hit, she'd have to be the mother to her own cousin's children. The girl was sure Evan was at least 6 years older than herself, making the boy 22. Syd grasped the toilet bowl as the contents of her stomach came back up.

"Syd, are you okay?" His calming voice chimed. Why was he here right now? "Urh... Yeah I'm fine!" she gagged. Remus turned to her dorm mates "She isn't okay is she?" Lily shook her head in response. "Slept with Marlene last night." lily whispered. "Well isn't Marls a lucky duck" he quietly chuckled about the sleeping girl. "Should I go in?" Lily questioned. He shrugged. "Sunny?" Remus asked and received a pained noise in return. "Can one of us come in?" He questioned. "Lily... Please!" Her voice rang. The ginger got up from her bed and slipped behind the bathroom door. Remus caught sight of the girl wearing only a towel. It now made sense why Sydra didn't want him to be there.

"Hey sweetie, what's going on?" She questioned as she rubbed the vomiting girl's back. "I'm okay... Just sudden sickness I think." she smiled and very gradually stood up. "Remus is out there waiting to walk you to class." Lily said as Syd reached to flush the toilet and grab her tooth brush. "Urh.. okay" she replied before Lily left. She ran the toothbrush over each of her teeth and over her tongue before washing her face. She turned round to grasp the door handle and see the boy. As the handle was pushed down Remus stood up from his seat on his friend's bed. "How are you?" He questioned immediately. "I'm fine Remmy." she laughed. Remus put his hand very lightly on the girls back. "I'm going to get ready then I'll see you in the common room?" She questioned. Remus nodded in response and left the room, his brogues clicking against the stone floor.

A sigh left Sydra's lips. "Christ, come in when I'm next to naked and vomitting why don't you Remus!" She said sarcastically shaking her first at the door. Lily laughed as she pulled on her school tights.

After waking up Marlene, the girls got dressed and made their way down the stairs to the common room. Remus was the only one in the room wearing his uniform correctly. His Griffindor robes sat perfectly on his shoulders, his white shirt was fully buttoned up and tucked into his trousers, he wore black socks with his brogues and his tie was correctly Knotted and sat just under his adams apple. "My bets are on Moony and Lily for perfects next year" she said putting her chin on the sitting boys head. "And if your bet is wrong, what do I-we get in return?" He smirked as she came and sat down next to the boy. Syd's skirt rode up significantly higher than what was deemed appropriate. Remus glanced at the girls thighs before quickly turning away and giving her a quick nudge. She looked down and began straightening out her uniform "Thanks, creep" she joked. "You both get Syd hugs!!" She laughed.

Once it was time to go to classes the friends made their way to their first lesson of the day. Care of Magical creatures. "If I dare say so myself, we take excellent care of Moony." James quipped trying to relieve the tension caused between Remus and himself from the night befores accusations. The lanky boy in question glared at James, "Hm, I'm likely to get impaled by you, you aren't called Prongs for no reason!" Sirius and Syd watched the argument unfold, the siblings linked arms as they walked across the grounds. "Least we don't have any part in this." Syd whispered. Remus' head shot round to the siblings, "don't get me started on you two, toothy fuckers!" He tried to keep a straight face and pointed to some scars on his hands "This one, Sirius. And this one, Sydra. Many times I've come round and been covered in dog slobber!! I believe it's only Pete that I can't say doesn't take care of me!" He joked.

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