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The full moon broke over horizon like an ominous sun. The swirling grey patterns hypnotic to the werewolf. James transformed quickly, antlers sprouting from his head before he collapsed onto all fours and grew a thick fur coat, James was always the proud one when it came to his animagus. Remus stared at the moon as it rose Infront of them, his head lolled back and mumbled words spilled from his plump lips from where he'd been chewing them. "Help me..." He finally whispered as a large crack went off and his jaw started morphing alongside his back. His vertabrae became close to the skin and formed a defined ridge along the boy's back. Remus' transformations were excruciatingly painful, his body seared hotter than the ash that fell from his cigarettes. James could only watch as his friend grew more and more animalistic.

After a few minutes the pain Remus endured ceased as the werewolf within took over. He looked to James and then around at the wood that surrounded the pair. They were still within the potter's land barriers so James felt safe letting the wolf roam around as long as they didn't get too close to the house. He guided Remus deeper into the forest with gentle nudges of his antlers to which the wolf responded with low grumbles. James was always careful with how he interacted with Remus during the moon just as a precaution. Obviously the two boys would never intentionally hurt eachother but it was always a concern.

Closer to the edge of the woods Sirius and Brodie sat, hand in hand looking down at the clearing where a werewolf and a stag happily ran around the trees together. They sat miles away from the animals just observing, taking in the warm summer night. "I should head down in a minute." The raven haired boy stated to his boyfriend. "Five more minutes!!" He whinged and dragged Sirius to the ground in a rugby tackle style movement. They play fought for a while before a beam of light erupted over them. "Brodie, you've got a phone call my love!" Euphemia called over to the boys from the kitchen window. The taller of the two wrestling boys got up and walked to the house, closely followed by Sirius. On the way over Euphemia kept the phone, shushing the caller when the boys entered the kitchen "Here you go son." She said and handed it to Brodie who wore a confused expression. He took the phone from the aging woman who looked as if she'd just woken up from a nap. "Thank you," he said to Mia before addressing the caller, "Hello, Brodie Wood speaking." He answered with an air of uncertainty. His brows furrowed as the person on the opposite end answered. "Hello. We need to talk." Brodie looked more and more confused "Excuse me but who are you?" He said and shrugged to Sirius who was looking at him as if he'd gone crazy. "Andromeda Tonks, formerly Black."
"Shouldn't you be talking to Sirius then?" He asked cautiously.
"I would have asked for Sirius if I needed Sirius" she hissed through the phone. Sirius was looking confused as his boyfriend stated his name. "Look kid," she said "if Sirius is around tell him to go do something, we need to speak privately." Her tone was full of mystery. Brodie shrugged as if Andy was within the room, his American style hoodie bounced with his shoulders, he put his hand carefully over the listening part of the phone. "Sirius can you go and grab my wand from your room please?" He asked and the younger boy bounded to his feet with a nod. Brodie then proceed to pat his pocket where his wand was, when the boy had left the room, making sure he wasn't giving Sirius a job he could complete quickly.

"Andromeda, why are you calling me of all people?" Brodie asked as he slumped against the wall close to the dialling system of the phone. "Because Wood, you've now got a task you weren't supposed to have." The boy grew ever more curious. "Do go on."
"James clearly hasn't told you then," She sighed before continuing, "Sydra and Regulus are in France, Syd is getting married to Evan Rosier who is a massive prick for the record. I was supposed to get James and Remus over to France so they could get them purely because Regulus didn't want to disturb James' parents. However, I'm severely pregnant and my waters have just broken meaning I won't be getting those boys to France and therefore someone else of age will have to take on the role." Silence filled the air once more and Brodie replayed the information in his head. "Hang on lady, so you're telling me that I'm going to have to apparate James and Remus to France then apparate James, Remus, Syd and Regulus back all without splinching myself or anyone else." He paused to let her answer.
"Yep," she said confidently, " but instead of back to the potter manor you're gonna have to take them to Grimmauld place to get their wands. ALL without telling Sirius because he'd only further complicate this." Brodie was too stunned to speak "you still there wood?" She asked as the silence uneased her. "Yeah, okay. I understand and if I don't I'm sure James will. I'll go tell- no I won't, I'll go get Sirius to get him so I can tell him." He said remembering that Remus was having his furry little problem at the moment. "Okay, thank you so much! I would have done it myself but this baby decided she was coming now." She chuckled before wishing the boy goodbye.

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