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Syd sat on the floor of the boys dorm with her hair in her twins lap as he planned out what to do with it. "Are you sure you want me to do this?... And the dye?"
"Yes Sirius, it's a nightmare on a morning" she said with mild annoyance. "So about Regulus..." She began.

"He pulled me out of the common room just as James stood up on the table" James gave a small wave as he sat up to listen.

"I'm still sad I missed Remus' performance" she sighed and Sirius began cutting off mass amounts of the girls hair. He tutted to continue.

"And he was crying so I thought mom had sent him a letter or worse..." They both flinched at the thought as James wrapped his duvet round him.

"And as we all know it's very rare for Regulus to cry, so I was panicking and trying to hug him ect but no!" She laughed and turned to Sirius "no no no, he told me something much better, much much better" she smirked that Black family smirk as James' face got redder and Sirius snipped away at her hair.

"What'd he say?" Both boys said eagerly. Remus rolled around in his bed, unconscious.

"So y'know dad?" She questioned. Her twin looked at her deadpan "DO I know our father? What type of question is that" he said laughing.
"Well" she proceeded "our father is the only one in our house that is interested in women..." She burst out laughing. Sirius stopped cutting, James gulped and Remus snored, no one knew where Peter was.

"He's gay?" Sirius said after he'd finished his sister's hair. She asked him to cut it into a medium Bob with a fringe and dye it all brunette but she was too scared to dye it in the end. She looked absolutely stunning after Sirius had brushed it out and styled it to perfection, the new look framed her face perfectly, it highlighted her stormy grey eyes and how truly dark her hair was.

"Yes sirius, he's gay" she sighed as he'd asked this about 12 times now. She admired her new haircut and played with her new fringe. "We aren't to tell anyone though ... James" she narrowed her eyes as he had a habit of being a gossip. "I've got my own secrets at the moment sunshine" he replied and flopped backwards onto his bed.

"Pretty please will you tell me?" She begged and came and rested her head on her hands Infront of his bed. James clearly thought about telling her but wasn't sure if his actions would have serious consiquences.

"I'll ask if I can, okay?" He said forcefully. Sydra knew that James was only like this if he truly cared for someone. She dropped it straight away.

"Can I stay with you boys tonight?" She asked as they ate Bertie Botts every flavour Beans. "Sure but you aren't sharing with me" Sirius hummed "AH spicy!!" He spat a bean out as James and Syd fell to the floor laughing.

"Karma's a bitch" a fourth voice chimed into the conversation. "You're alive" Sirius said to the newly awake Werewolf. "My head doesn't feel alive" he muttered.

After they'd all been the victim of a bad bean the group decided to go to bed somewhere between 3 and 5 am. "Can I share with someone" Syd's voice rang out. "Yeah su-" Remus began.
"BAGSI!!" James voice called out.
"Geezus you'll wake up the Slytherins with a voice that loud Potter"

Syd went to her dorm to pick up her pajamas and returned to the boys dorm to change in their little bathroom. She emerged with a black romper on and slid into James bed with him. "Little spoon or big spoon?" Syd chuckled as James decided "little through and through" he laughed and they repositioned themselves. "Syd can I tell you something?" He said after a few minutes.
"Always James" she smiled back, that one smile was all James needed to come clean to her.

"I'm gay too... But I haven't told anyone, infact I'm not even 100% sure I am" He forced the words out quickly. She slapped her hand to her mouth to prevent laughing at the boys quickness "that's fine, that's brilliant, just don't go getting with my brothers" she narrowed her eyes then snuggled back into him "oo we can talk boys together" she giggled creepily. "Yeahhhhh. No" James said whilst laughing.

After a very long 'yes, no' fight James fell asleep and Boy did he snore. Syd must have hit him so many times to shut up before she crawled out of his bed and went to see if the other two were still awake. Her twin wasn't but Remus was. She could see the faint glow of his wand through his bed curtains. "Remus?" She hissed "Remus!" She whined and he stuck his head out from between the curtains "are you okay?!" He whisper shouted as he looked at the girl. "No, I'm not okay, James snores like hell and my brother doesn't want to share and lord knows where Pettigrew is" she laughed at the last few words "can I come in with you?". He nodded and retracted his head "give me a second" he wrestled his shirt trying to get it on and once he finally did, he opened the curtains to let her in.

"There's no room in here for you!" She laughed at the stack of books Remus seemed to share his bed with and moved them under his bed so she could get in. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good thanks... It happened again" he said as she came and crawled into his bed. "I don't even know how to play guitar... Unless I'm drunk" he laughed.
"I missed it cos of my stupid brother" she hummed. "That's maybe not a bad thing" he replied and wrapped his arms around her as she pulled the duvet up to her ears. "The haircut suits you Black" he blushed and moved his hand to her stomach. She could feel her face heating up due to his words... And actions. "Thank you Lupin" she teased and put her hand under the pillow.

"sleep well" Remus said as she snuggled down to sleep

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