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The lanky boy that Syda was annoyed with sat by a little wooden desk, Remus dipped his large barn owl feather quill in the inkpot next to him.

"I don't understand why you can't just use a biro" the boy's mother complained, a light-hearted smile tugged at her lips. Hope was a beautiful woman, she had mousy blonde hair and gorgeous amber eyes which her son had inherited from her. She dressed in flowy dresses even for the time of year. Hope sat cross legged on the couch in the Lupin's small cottage in the forest.

"Biros just don't look as elegant" the boy chuckled as he wrote to his best friend. It was Christmas day and he hadn't heard from Syd.

"You writing to Sirius' sister?" Hope questioned her blushing son. "Yeah, I haven't heard from her, it's Christmas and she should at least have a nice letter I suppose" he rambled. Hope looked at her son, she knew him better than he knew himself, she saw the way he took time thinking out every word he wrote to the girl. She patted her son's arm before getting up and making the pair breakfast. "Do you want pancakes with blueberries Remus?" She laughed knowing the answer already. "That isn't a question mum!!" He laughed.

The werewolf focused back on his letter, he truly hoped that the girl was okay, given the Black family's history for child abuse. James had already written to Remus about the arrival of Sirius a few nights ago and the lanky boy was quick to reply after telling his mum everything. He worried that What'd happened to Sirius may have also happened to his twin or even his brother.

'Dear Silly Syd,

James has informed me about what's happened with Sirius and I can only hope the same hasn't happened to you, or Regulus.

How are you both doing? My mother keeps offering for you to come and stay with us for a few days, she really wants to meet you and like you say, ANYTHING FOR HOPE.

Anyway I'll round this letter out by saying merry Christmas and I truly hope that you'll get this letter,

Much love
The Lupins :)'

Remus had informed the girl over their years of friendship about how close he was to his mother. Close was a lie. He told the woman everything, especially when it came to Sydra. Even though Hope had never met the girl, she adored her, purely for the way her name made her son's scarred face light up.


Sirius woke up early that Christmas morning and broke into his best friends bedroom. "WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS ASSFACE!!!" He jumped on his bed. The black haired boy had spent the last few days at the Potter estate and it was rather normal for him to burst into James' room. "Gerrof" the sleeping Potter grumbled as his best mate flopped on the bed next to him. "Come on mate, today's the day you tell your parents and GIFTS!" Shouted the excitable boy.

James parents were already in the kitchen making a large breakfast for their family. Euphemia was always looking out for her family and lucky for Sirius, she considered him like a second son. The aging woman had offered many, many times for Sirius' siblings to also come and live with them and avoid the abuse they got at home.

The two young boys hurtled down the stairs once James had woken up properly. "Morning Mia!" Sirius called as he entered the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek while she cooked, James did the same and the pair got the juice and glasses and put them on the table.

"Good morning boys" Fleamont laughed as they came skidding into the dining room still dressed in their pajamas. Euphemia brought in the food and the mini feast began.

James gulped down his drink. "James darling, slow down, you'll drown yourself!" His mother warned as the boy placed down his glass.

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