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7 am
Dawn broke over the French town, colours of amber and light pink washed over the girl as she laid in her bed. Sydra's hair lay in one large tangle at the top of her head, she was staring up at the canopy, wishing for the small details to spring out and hold her close. Outside her door and window, numerous male family members patrolled the girl's potential escape route, Regulus being one of them. Syd dragged her knackered body out of the four poster bed and trapsed into the small bathroom. She ran the shower almost as if it was muscle memory. As the mirror began to steam up a note crept across it "hair and makeup in 20 minutes - Walburga Black" the teen only rolled her eyes before entering the hot water.


Somewhere close by to the Black siblings, the trio of boys landed smoothly. "Christ I feel sick." James said bending over double. Remus rolled his eyes and played with his hip again "don't be so dramatic prongs." Brodie however began inspecting his surroundings and mapping his way around the dingy little back alley he'd managed to land them in. "Ay, so we try and get them back here before apparating again otherwise it might be too public I recon." He stated rather plainly before heading off in the direction of a castle. The two other boys only followed the Scot with worried expressions "I think Sirius will kick off y'know." James said with a nervous shiver, Remus only replied with a shrug.


Syd sat under her mother's judgemental eyes. Her hair clean and untangled now lay in a hideous plait crown around her head. "I think it needs bedazzling..." Bellatrix cackled from behind a glass of wine. "Yes, I think you're right my dear... Hand me the skull box." Walburga said in return to her niece. She plucked a few small skulls from a black trinket box and placed them mismatched into sydra's black and white hair. "Bellatrix, narcissa and me all wore these skulls for our weddings." Syd glanced at the youngest of her cousins in the mirror, sympathy evident in her eyes as Narcissa looked at her hands within her lap. The bride to be stared at herself in the mirror once more, horrified by the appearance of her normally wavy and chaotic hair, she was dreading when her mother moved on to do her makeup.


"You think we've got time to do some sight seeing?" James asked.
"Fuck no, I'm getting Syd and I'm getting her now." Remus replied with an air of urgency. Brodie seemed to take on the role of guide as he navigated them down numerous tight streets filled with vendors trying to sell the teens goods. James could have sworn he'd heard a man calling out to them about purchasing some weed. The werewolf was the slowest of the trio, "I think pads really knacked my hip," He said with a laugh, "if it wasn't Sirius it would have been Sydra though." No body replied to him. Nerves were setting in as they neared the castle. "James do you keep farting?" Brodie asked as they heart the fourth loud squeak in the last minute. "Leave me alone I get gassy when I'm nervous!" He exclaimed back to them. The group had to take a minute to compose themselves as James' cry of nervous gas amused them. "He's not wrong, the dorm stinks before a quidditch match y'know."


Syd looked like a prostitute in the politest way possible. She had a large portion of her face covered by green sparkly eyeshadow and an awful eyeliner consealed a larger than necessary chunk of her face. The makeup on her face felt cakey and thick, almost suffocating. "Up girl, you've got to get your dress on yet." Bellatrix claimed before dragging Syd in the direction of the room's wardrobe. Even the thought of the poofy, hideous dress sent shivers down her spine. Bellatrix produced an off white corset and shoved it into the girl's delicate hands "Grandmother's corset would suit you, pull in all that flab you've put on at school." Sydra glared at her crazy haired cousin, bitterness etched into her sharp facial features. Bellatrix guided her cousin back to the middle of the room and pulled her top off. Syd stood there clutching her breasts as Narcissa looked away. Walburga laughed heartily "not much there is there darling." She said spitefully. Syd felt like crying, standing infront of her family, half naked, was completely humiliating. Bella removed the girl's hands from her chest as she pulled the corset on over her head. "We'll get this nice and tight so it emphasises your waist and hips. You could be so beautiful if you put more effort into your appearance." Syd had always thought of her cousin to be an evil and wicked woman, her appearance only made those ideas worse. Bellatrix only ever wore black, black heels, black tights, ridiculous black skirts and to top it all off, a black corset. Syd was shocked that Bella could even breathe after years of wearing a corset. Just at that thought, Bella wrapped her hands in the string of the corset and yanked it as hard as she could, eliciting a pained shriek from the girl.

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