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First, one set of arms flug round the three children that had just apparated and before they knew it there were six pairs of arms round them. Lily, Marlene, James, Peter, Sirius and Brodie all hugged their friends as Fleamont watched the display of affection "alright, break it up so I can go home for me lunch!" The man joked as all the kids laughed.

"Right, Brodie is incharge, I'll be back very three days with more food and water ." Monty chuckled before clapping the eldest child on the back and whispering a few words to James then with a flick of his wand he was gone, just as quickly as he arrived. James jumped on Regulus and screamed "CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TWO?" Nerves bubbled inside Sydra, her best friend must have noticed as Remus' thumb gently stroked the curve of her waist. She smiled up at him before answering james. "Nasty suprise visitor after we'd gotten home, same day we saw you two actually." The bruises on her cheek contorted as she smirked, similarly to Sirius.

Her eldest brother's boyfriend came and hugged her "Well you're both safe now," he bent down "Sirius is in the naughty corner by the way." He whispered. Syd smiled "Yes, so he should be!" Brodie and the girl shared a knowing look. "Show me then oh brother of mine!" She said cockily walking up to him and yanking up his sleeves. "Oi, oi!!! ASSAULT!!" He screamed like a dying chicken, his sister only further inspected the ink etched into Sirius' skin. She smiled before kissing the top of his head, he'd gotten more tattoos than expected but several suns laid on his arms. "You're a dick but I love you still." He framed his face with his hands before laughing and hugging her forcefully.

Syd was finally left to look round at the area James had picked for their holiday. She realised that they were on a small island in what she presumed to be a loch or lake. The island was small but spacious enough for their pack of 9. In the centre the camp had been started, Syd presumed that Sirius and Brodie's tent was the one that was half up, whereas Lily and Marlene's tent was up perfectly, Same for James and Remus' and Peter's. Trees littered the back portion of the island where the tents had been placed in the treeline and a wide area of sandy beach surrounded the land. A large bridge could be seen on the mainland.

"Syd, snap out of your daydream!" James took the girl by her hand and dragged her over to an area by the tents. It was gorgeous, just behind the treeline in its own sort of clearing with a large canopy covering the area but it still linked up to the camp. The boy smirked as he watched Syd's face light up "I thought you and Regulus could have your tent here then mine and Remus' is next door if you need to kick him out." She laughed before hugging him "I love you like the Sensible brother I never had" they shared a chuckle.

Remus watched the exchange between the friends, jealousy in his eyes. Why hadn't she hugged him like that? Why hadn't she looked at him like that? He was huffing like the big bad wolf he claimed to be. Lily and Marlene shrieked with laughter and the lanky boy's attention quickly snapped to the giggling girls. "What's gotten in to you two?" He said plopping his tall frame into a camp chair opposite the two. "Nothing moony!!-" Lily began before Marlene cut her off "come and talk to us tonight, we've got gossip for you!" The girls of the group and Remus had always made a habit of sharing school and home gossip with eachother in an attempt to distract the others from the harsh realities of their home lives.

Marls may have appeared happy and joyful to everyone else but her friends knew the struggles she went through on a day to day basis. She struggled to get along with her father's new wife, especially after her mum died. Even her three older brothers struggled to get along with the wicked woman. Lily, now lily was a different story, she got along perfectly with her parents and her sister before Hogwarts. Petunia was harsh on her sister, "how come you get to go to private school and I don't?!" And each and every time the answer was "show me your magic then you can come." For years this went on until the girls couldn't stand to be in the same room as one another. Because of Sydra, Lily, Marlene and Remus' home lives, they all seemed to understand eachother on another level.

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