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Remus lit another cigarette which he shared between himself and Syd. They took it in turns to take a drag. "What did Lucius mean about Evan, Syd?" Her face went dark as she recalled the paperwork she'd found at Christmas. "Oh, I'm not sure but it's probably just some sort of rumour in the scared 28." She rolled her eyes.

Remus knew she hated the elitist group her parents had raised her and her brothers to be part of. His hand went to stroke hers which laid carefully on top of her knee. She felt warm and soft, like she'd put on a healthy weight again.

"Go get your PJs, Sleepover!" He did jazz hands in an attempt to make the girl crack a smile. She did, she also let a bark like laugh escape her, Syd moved out of the window and placed her feet on the cold floor before scampering up the girls dormitory stairs.

Once she'd reached the top of the magical stairs she opened the door and bouled into the room to be met with the noise of sheets rustling. "AHHH!!!" She screamed. Remus and the boys sat in the common room panicked as they heard her scream. "WHAT?!" They all shot out of their seats including Brodie. Remus was the first to fall to the floor as the stairs quickly changed into a slippy slide. The rest of the boys tumbled down the slide too. "Syd?! Are you okay?!" James hollered up the stairs and she poked her head round the corner. "Hold me..." She said, her eyes wide in shock and she decended down the stairs once more.

"What the hell happened?" Sirius interrogated as he cupped his younger sister's small face in his hands, checking her for injury. "Ass, bed, curtains.... Sheets..." She frowned and Remus came and held the small girl. "Shh shhh, it's okay, has someone died?"
"I'M SORRY!!!" Lily's voice rang down the stairs "I'm so sorry Syd!!!" She came running down the stairs wrapped in only a bed sheet.

The boys looked away aside from Sirius. "What the fuck is going on here!!!" He shouted as Remus clapped his hand over his eyes. Lily's face was as red as her hair. "I've just traumatised Syd!" She said guiltily as Sirius clutched his sister to him, she clawed away from her brother, unable to breathe. "You didn't, friggin Amos' ass did!" She nearly laughed. Lily was so embarrassed, Sirius had to bite his tongue to stop the laughter. Remus and James were convulsing with silent laughs at the words exchanged, both boys still with their eyes covered.

"Lily... Please just I don't know, sort the boy out with some boxers." Syd laughed and lily walked back up the stairs mouthing 'i'm so sorry' to the black haired girl. Syd waved her hand and the boys uncovered their eyes and began to break into hysterical laughter. Even Brodie held onto Sirius' waist to keep himself from falling in the floor. "My stomach hurts!" James whinged as he bent over double.


Sydra never managed to get her PJs, so instead she became resourceful. It was only her and Remus in the dorm when they'd gone up. "What are you doing?" He questioned her as she went digging through Sirius' trunk. "Dear Moony, I am looking for something to sleep in so I'm not in my underwear." She smiled at him over her shoulder. He wouldn't complain if she did, infact he dared believe he'd rather enjoy it. He smirked from behind her as he climbed into his bed waiting for her. She dug out a 'Queen' band t-shirt of Sirius' as well as some shorts of his. "I'll take the shirt but... Yeah I'll put them back..." She put her brothers shorts back into his trunk. "I would..." Remus laughed. She nodded before going to the bathroom to strip into her underwear and brother's shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded confidently.

Syd popped her head round the bathroom door to see Remus twiddling his thumbs, still sat in bed "Do you have a spare toothbrush?" She asked politely. Remus' head snapped towards the girl, butterflies errupted in his stomach and he felt a stiffness in his pants. 'Shit' he thought to himself. "Er... Yeah top shelf." he said trying to discretely cover his crotch. 'fuck now isn't the time for this!' he thought as she turned round and stood on her tip toes to reach the top shelf and her little hands grasped the toothbrush. "Thanks moony!" She smiled before she ran it under the water.

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