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Just after the train had crossed the border of England it came to a Holt.


Syd looked at Remus as he glanced at the girl on his shoulder. He carefully got up and slid open the door and looked down the hallway, that's when the lights went out and screams could be heard further down the train. Remus was suddenly propelled back into his seat as the door violently slid shut.

"What the hell is going on?" James called.
The lights flickered and the windows began to freeze. Syd reached out to touch the forming frost. As her fingers connected with the window, she retracted her hand back in pain. The girl held her hand out for the werewolf next to her to inspect.

Another scream sounded from the front of the train. Syd held onto Remus' jumper and Sirius and James clung onto eachother leaving Peter with no one. Noises could be heard further down the hall.

Syd got up this time and tried the door, Remus' hand stayed on her side holding her tightly just incase. The door slid open enough for the girl to peep her head out into the hallway... She froze. She was rooted to the spot.


"Dad?" She said stepping out into the hall. There stood the girl's father dressed in his usual suit and tie but his clothes hung loosely from his body, torn up and covered in blood.

"Syd don't joke" Sirius said from behind her. Remus shushed him as he'd also seen the girls father.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the man Infront of her. He pulled up his sleeves to expose the tattoo that'd scared the girl ever since he'd gotten it. There it was, the dark mark, wriggling in her father's flesh.

"I'm working" he said with a wicked smile . "Dad... What's happening?" The girl asked on the verge of tears. "I've told you, I'm working Sydra" the man spat as he barged past the girl. The family madness seemed to have skipped the youngest three blacks but it certainly hit their father.

"Where are you going?" She demanded as he stormed down the train. "I'm busy Syd!" He shouted at the girl. The figure of her father disappeared into the darkness of the hallway as more screams echoed.

The train rocked violently. "Aurors and dementors are here" Remus breathed.
"Sirius" the girl began "Orion was outside..." She paused to control the tears rolling down her face. Remus handed her a handkerchief which she dried her face with. "Why?" Sirius asked as he got up out of his seat. "I don't know! He said hes-" a blood curdling scream echoed down the train. Syd burst into tears, Peter too. Remus and Sirius wrapped themselves around the girl as James rubbed the fat boys back.

"He said he was working" she spoke between sobs as fear took over. Sirius let go of his sister to look out the window.

People in the distance could be heard shouting spells. "Shh, shhh" Remus stroked the girls hair as she cried into his chest "It's okay". The doors began rattling violently as more screams echoed.

"Shit, Regulus" Sirius said out of the blue. "Do you think he's okay?" He asked his friends. Everything was quiet, no screams, no shouting if spells and no response to Sirius' question.

After a silence that felt like it lasted forever the lights flickered back on and the frost on the windows began to fade.

"What just happened?" James said.
"I believe we were just attacked by Tom Riddles followers" the girl said from her friends arms. They all sat down as the train began to move again. The friends exchanged ideas of what'd happened.

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