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It had been about a month since Remus' birthday and the twins were studying as hard as they could, with Remus' help and James'... Input.

James was still behaving weirdly, checking over his shoulder all the time almost as if he was expecting something or someone to be there. He knew something the others wanted to know.

As the four friends tried to revise for the upcoming OWLs the twins could be heard having a hushed conversation. "What's going on with you know who?" Sydra mouthed to her twin.
"I'm not sure, Remus maybe?" He replied. Remus had been watching this whole interaction so chipped in "Remus maybe, what?" He groaned as the twins distracted him "Remus may kn-" Sirius started.
"Remus may know about ...'s mood" Syd moved her eyes quickly to James to tell Remus that's who they were talking about. He shrugged as no one knew, in return she gave her friend a smile, a bright smile that could warm the coldest of hearts. A smile that only increased Remus' appreciation of the girl.

When the group of students returned to their common room they all got into comfy clothes and joined Lily, Peter and Marlene by the fire. Sirius and Remus sat either side of James in an almost intimidating way "h-hey guys" James stuttered and stared at Syd almost asking her with his eyes of she'd told one of them about his newly found sexuality, she shook her head as discretely as possible as she sat down Infront of Marlene so the brunette could do her hair.

"Hello James" the boys said in unison, with the same crazed look in their eyes. James looked down at Sirius before patting his head "good boy... Nice doggie?" He smiled sheepishly then turned to look up at Remus "nice doggie?...". The taller boy stared at him before shaking him slightly "what's going on with you!!" Remus shouted, startling some first years at the back of the common room. "I can't tell you Remus!!! I will when I can!!!" James shouted back.


On a cold October morning, all three of the Black siblings received a large white envelope addressed to each of them in a neat cursive. And all three of the siblings opened those letters very wary of what to come.
'Dear all of my children,
Your presence is required at 12 Grimmauld Place over the Christmas holiday. The family has an exciting opportunity.
Your mother and father Walburga and Orion Black'

Each child dreaded this Christmas in their own way and it wasn't even Halloween yet.

But Halloween was less than a week away.


"SIRIUS!!! WAKE UP!!!" His twin hollered on the 31st of October. She raced into the boys shared dormitory and caused all of them to wake up and fight with their sheets covering their heads to shield their eyes from the light "Syd... I love you but get out" James groaned from under his duvet.
"Shut up James! But Sirius MY HAIR" She shouted and her twin pulled the cover from his hair "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY MASTERPIECE?!" He cried.

"Siri, I'm going white!!!" She said as all the boys whipped their covers from their bodies aside from Remus who covered his torso with it before wandering over to the girl like a caterpillar in a cacoon.

"It's starting at the roots and just kinda there" she said as all the boys inspected the girls head and hair. "Book boy, surely you know what this is" Sirius said and glanced at Remus as he shook his head. "Does it hurt?" Remus asked trying his best to hide his emotions. "Not at all but I don't want to go into my sixteenth year on this planet Grey!!"

The boys sat with her as they all tried to figure out what this tiny patch of white hair was "it's a mallen streak, I'm certain" Remus said after closing one of his books and he preceded to explain what a mallen streak is.

He thought she'd be beautiful with or without this streak in her hair, Remus however questioned if she'd dye over it or keep it natural. She was stunning in his eyes. This little patch of white hair laid on the girls parting, right at the front of her head and passed over her fringe.

"Will you dye it?" James questioned almost as if he'd read his friends mind.
"No, I don't think I will" she said with a smile "I think I'll call her, Annie". The boys erupted into fits of giggles.

Remus couldn't help but glance at the girl and she couldn't help but glance at him.

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