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The walk back to the castle was bittersweet, their 'mate date' was amazing and it felt almost cruel to be going back. Remus' hand seemed to swim around Sydra's as he contemplated taking it. His uncertainty seemed to be decided for him as an unknown force pushed his hand onto hers. He looked round behind him before mouthing "Regulus, James.... Behave..." The silent words seemed to pack a punch as a pair of boots took a step back. Syd turned to look up at the boy as she wrapped her fingers round his as he did the same. "Hello." she smiled quietly. "Hey Sunny." He smiled back down at the sweet girl after his moment of frustration.

After their brisk encounter with the girl's younger brother and their best friend, the pair talked about anything and everything. "Is there anything you want-" she was cut off as a tall, blonde boy dressed in Slytherin Prefect robes began advancing towards them on the path from Hogsmeade. "Sunny?" The werewolf questioned. She remained quiet as the evil glint in Lucius Malyfoy's eye grew larger. He'd spotted her, normally she wouldn't have cared but the look in his eye told her something was different. His lips formed a smirk. "Ready to blow Rosier, Itty ... Bitty BLACK!" He spat at the girl and her friend. "You sound like Bella." She sneered at him.

That was it, Remus saw red. He promptly let go of Sydra's dainty hand and stormed towards the blonde. Apparently the pair of boots from earlier also lost it as James and Regulus seemed to appear from thin air. Remus was followed by James as they both rolled up their sleeves (something Remus would never do consciously). The Black siblings watched with smug faces as their boys stormed towards the no longer cocky Malfoy. Remus was the first to deliver a hit to the Slytherin's face, sending blood trickling down his lips. James pulled out his wand and muttered a curse, Malfoy's face began to swell.

"Boys..." Syd muttered to her younger brother before crossing her arms. They watched the scene Infront of them. "Are you gonna stop them?" Reg asked whilst laughing. She looked up to her brother, "when I get bored" she shrugged. Remus raised his first again and an almighty ripping sound came from him, "ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH!" Syd called before running in to peel Remus and James away from the cowering blonde boy. Regulus held James back while he fought to get at him and all Syd had to do to calm Remus down was hold his arm. "Come on... Walk away" she said as they began to walk off. The girl could see blood beginning to gather on Remus' shirt. "What have you done?" She said as she tugged at it to look at the skin under. He tried to tuck his shirt back in whilst laughing at the girls determination but she'd already inspected the damage.

"You've burst one of your scars open idiot."
"Love you too Sunny" he chimed before placing a hand over the damaged tissue. "I'm being serious Remus!"
"No I'm Sirius." A voice called behind them as Sirius and Brodie came into view. "Why were you lot fighting Malfoy?" Brodie asked. It was a long story and they all sighed. Syd and Regulus knew their friends would ask what Malfoy had meant about Evan and so Syd began forming a bit of a lie as she wasn't ready to tell her friends that she was to be wed. "These two idiots, that I love very much! Picked a fight with the weasel as he said something... Indecent" she said with disgust. "Indecent?! Indecent?! I'm in the right to go and rip his blonde fucking mullet hair off!!" James said still being clutched by Regulus. "Okay... Syd what happened?" Sirius asked, breaking away from his boyfriend "James is the mother hen of this group but he never gets this angry..." He looked to his fuming friend.


Once they'd reached the common room Syd and Remus made their way up to the boy's dorm. "You will let me heal that, won't you?" She asked. He rolled his eyes sarcastically as he sat down in his rickety little bed. "Yes, fine, just do it." Syd smiled warmly and he felt like all his problems just melted into thin air, then she said "shirt off." Remus looked at her, mortified.
"Yes really, how am I supposed to heal something if I can't see it?"
"I don't know! You're a wizard aren't you Sunny?"
"Well yes but not a Muggle type wizard!"

They bickered back and forth until Remus finally gave in. He knew this wasn't the first time she'd seen him shirtless and he knew it probably wouldn't be the last but he still felt the need to cover every inch of his being. She looked at him, he really was beautiful. She put her hand on his shoulder to keep him still before pointing her wand at the scar that had reopened, "Episkey" she muttered. The word seemed to roll around in Remus' head, the way she said it with her posh accent that seemed to have a slight Welsh flick to it, he presumed that she'd picked it up accidentally from all the time spent with him. Remus thought it was adorable, he could see the concentration on her face as she whispered the healing spell a few more times. Sydra's hair cascaded down her neck, nearly getting in her face. He moved one of his hands from covering his chest and tucked a small chunk of her hair behind her ear. She stopped what she was doing to look the boy in the eye and smile at him, her canine caught on her bottom lip slightly. Remus didn't mind, his hand lingered round her neck slightly before she continued healing up the popped scar. He sat there too stunned by her beauty and patience to say anything.

Once it was done, Remus realised that his hands were no longer covering himself and he felt comfortable with the girl seeing every inch of damage the wolf had caused him. He stood up and embraced her "Thank you." Her cheek made contact with Remus'chest as her arms wrapped round him. She could feel the confidence radiating from him.


After they'd gotten changed, Syd came down the stairs to be met with the sight of her twin and Remus sat on the big circular windowsill. They sat absolutely howling with laughter, a cigarette sat in each of their hands. The girl stood a few steps from the bottom and watched how Remus' hands flicked the ash away from the burning cigarette. Her eyes followed his hands as he brought it up to his mouth to take a drag, her eyes wandered to his, a light blush spread across her cheeks as she realised he was staring at her just as intensely as she was him.

Sirius seemed to be preoccupied with blowing smoke rings to notice his sister advancing towards them, "Don't you have better things to do Black?" She asked. He rolled his eyes before blowing smoke in her face, "you're disgusting" she said dragging him out of his seat so she could replace him. "You're disgusting." He mocked as he staggered towards Brodie. Syd and Remus sat in peaceful silence, just enjoying each others company as he finished his cigarette.

"You wanna stay tonight?" He asked casually flicking the cigarette butt out of the window. She smirked "sure, why not."

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