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The Potters were in their grand kitchen, baking, "would you like to ice the cookies Sirius?" Mia asked. Her husband and Sirius both snatched a piping bag each and started applying the icing to the cookies in a sloppy and hurried manner. Sirius laughed "the quicker they get done, the quicker we can eat them Dad!!" He cried and started smearing the icing everywhere whilst Monty howled with laughter. Together the men decorated Mia's cookies in the most unruly manner they possibly could, acting like they were 7 all over again. Mia tutted at her boys, "Christ Monty, you'd think you were the youngest here." The grey haired man stuck his tongue out at his wife as his mass of crazy hair jiggled ontop of his head.

A large noise echoed through the house and the small family jumped. Sirius looked as if he expected to see his mother stood Infront of him. The poor boy clung to fleamonts arm desperately. Mia had drawn her wand from her pocket and was ready for a fight, Monty had done the same but he had an arm wrapped around a scared Sirius. Together they slowly progressed towards the source of the noise, making their way slowly from the kitchen, through the large red and gold dining room and into their cozy living room. Ornaments on their mantle had fallen to the floor and rolled towards their plush, smoke grey sofa. Sirius was shaking like a leaf, all of Fleamonts comfort could do nothing to put the boy at ease.

The fire place emitted a large plume of thick, old, grey smoke followed closely by a splatter of soot that spanned across the Potter's cream carpet. Mia looked furious "whatever is going on here it better be bloody worth it!" She said looking at her now black carpet. Monty smirked slightly, taken aback by his wife's passion for cleanliness over the fact that their fire place seemed to be having a coughing fit. Sirius, although the tallest and scariest looking, was terrified. Every bone in his poor body screamed that his mum was going to come out and start berating him, screaming how he's a blood traitor, a faggot and whatever other nasty insults the woman could think up.

Now, Sirius was pretty fearless in the regard that he could do as many twists and turns on his broom without the fear of falling off. He was fearless in the way that he knew he spilled all his secrets when drunk or high yet continued to get both drunk and high. And he was fearless in the regard he tackled a bloody werewolf to the ground every month. But his fears were small, but largely realistic. He feared that Walburga would come and get him, or worse his father or perverted uncle. He feared that Syd would get hurt. And he feared being a disappointment. But his fears came from a place of selfishness, although his twin coaxed him to leave to save himself, he was selfish to leave her to raise their brother, to face a mass of Blacks bullying her for everything about herself. And he was selfish in the way that he left Syd to fend for herself. Sirius Black was a scared and selfish boy.

Stood there in that living room, a million thoughts ran through his mind. Non of which were helpful when a large and clunky Hogwarts trunk came tumbling towards them. He let out a small shriek and hid behind Monty once more. Together the family advanced towards the trunk, dragging it away from the halve. Sirius dusted the soot from it rather delicately before riving the top open to expose a mess of familiar women's clothes as well as scraggly old books and a half melted cauldron. Then he saw the spoon in the cauldron, a spoon with his face on it. His face lit up before he pulled a confused and agitated look.

"It's Syd's." He said with a broad smile. Hugging the books and clothes to his chest before looking expectantly at the fire place. Monty and Mia however seemed to have a conversation with their facial expressions. As soon as Sirius had claimed the luggage to be his sister's, Mia had turned to look at her husband, smiling warmly and contently at him, in return Monty gave her a slight nod as if he had just provided her with the best present in the world. Sirius was staring intently at the fire, waiting for his brother's case or someone, anyone to come out in a flash of green flames. He waited and waited, still clinging to some of Syd's belongings.

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