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The mad dash to the train was exhilarating for Syd. The children running ahead with their owls hooting madly at any muggle who dared look at the stampede. Syd's trunk battled against the weak ties holding it down as she drifted round muggles between platform 9 and 10. They ran full speed into the wall only to be enveloped by the noise of other owls madly hooting and parents crying as their children boarded the steam train for the first time. She was soon met by her friends and family as they also ran through the barrier. Mrs potter dusted herself down before ushering the children towards the train. "Now then boys and Syd," she added with a wink, "I want all of you home for Christmas, yes even you Remus." She smiled as the boy was about to interrupt her. "Good luck, study hard and don't get into too much trouble lads." Mr potter teased before taking his wife's hand and leading her a few steps back from the steam train so the children could board. "Oh and Remus dear, happy birthday for in a few weeks, we won't trouble little Hawthorne with your present. Here you go." Euphemia said getting close once again and passing a parcel through the door to the boy. "Thank you Mia." The boy said gently before hurrying down the train to sit with his friends in their usual compartment.

The train began to jutter and speed up. Syd sat with her hand pressed against the glass ready to wave goodbye to her new parents just as the door was swung open and lily plopped into her lap. "GINGE." Syd shrieked with glee as the redhead sat on her. "WHAT?!" James cried "how come she gets to give you cute little nicknames based on your magnificent hair colour yet I get profanities shouted at me if I do it?" He said fluffing up his own hair poorly.
"Because toerag... She's not a pervert like you." Lily stated calmly.
"Oooo she's got a point prongs. You are a bit dodgey with the fairer sex." Sirius Pointed out as Remus burried his nose deeper into a book. Soon the group were joined by Peter, Marlene and Brodie, making it so Syd and James took seats on the floor. Syd put her head on Remus' lap as they all chattered away mainly about this year's quidditch captain who now happened to be James after Brodie had limited his responsibility to ensure more time playing for his team. "Yay, more risky maneuvers for me to commentate." Syd said sarcastically and rolled her eyes then dragged Remus' book away from his face so she could read it too. She held it high enough for him.

Remus felt a pang of emotion wave through him, finally realising the weight on his lap happened to be her head. He fidgeted with his fingers for a while before gently running his fingers through Syd's wavy hair. She put the book down, just enjoying the pampering. However the lupin boy was finally just understanding the conversation being held before Sirius shot him a look. Now this look was one of pure spite and Remus removed his hand from her hair with haste. "Oi, I was enjoying that lupin." She said with annoyance laced into her voice. "Sorry, bosses orders though." He claimed before forcing his back tightly against the seat behind him.

The train ride was long and crampt with so many people in one compartment. "The compartments need to be bigger, what if you have so many friends like us because we're so loved... Isn't that right petals." James sent a wink Lily's way making Syd gag slightly. "Merlin that was horrid." She whispered making only Remus chuckle. "Why do you bitch so much?" Peter asked having clearly heard the girl on the floor. "Get out of you're going to be a knob again Pete." James almost shouted. "Hang on. He's got a point," Sirius backed up Pete's argument, "she does bitch an awful lot." He said bitterly.
"Really Sirius?" The girl questioned, her brows furrowed. "Really Sydra," He said back "you moan about this and that but mainly about Regulus. It was his choice to stay. Fucking forget him."
"Forget him," she said tensing up, "the only brother I wish to forget right now is you, connard." The aggressive french was coming back making Remus' palms sweat. The whole compartment was now in a state of silence except the two twins arguing. "You've been nothing but foul to me recently, and Remus now that I think about it. So either be the nice loving brother we all know or politely fuck off until you have a change of attitude."
"Me? Fuck off? If anything it should be you who leaves. Remember they are my friends and you're just the annoying little sister who tagged along and no one wants."
"YEAH!" Pete called. Syd rolled her eyes at the pair. "Fine. I'm gonna go find Regulus, clearly he got all the sense between you two." She said bitterly, forcing herself up from the floor using Remus' knee. Sirius slammed the door after her before turning and looking at all his friends disappointed face's. "what?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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