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Hope had been gone for a while before the girl snuck back into her friends bed, she lifted the covers and snuggled the boy gently "you awake?" She whispered. "Yup" he whispered back as he opened his eyes slightly "why are you still awake, Sunny?" The girl blushed rather violently, "I'm not really sure, just can't really sleep." she got comfortable and pulled the cover over her shoulders. Remus began to stroke her hair wrapping it around his fingers occasionally. "You spent alot of time knocked out, perhaps that's why you can't sleep?" He guessed. The girl's head rose and fell with every breath he took, it was comforting. "Maybe" Syd said as she closed her eyes "just gonna stay here."


A few days after the full Moon the friends were allowed to leave the hospital wing. The scratches down the girl's torso still stung but Madam Pomfrey had told her that was to be expected for the next few weeks. Both Syd and Remus' injuries had healed significantly due to the woman's medical talents. The pair's friends assembled themselves in the corridor ready to humiliate them and welcome them back. Syd and Remus got dressed and packed their things before walking to the exit together and pushing the doors open to be met by a line of their stupid friends. "WHOO!!! WELCOME BACK" James cheered.

Syd felt sick, her eyes glossed over. The hall went dark.

The only light she could see appeared to be coming from the moon. The smell of expensive cologne overwhelmed her. A light tapping noise could be heard as she looked at the legs and body she seemed to be within. The cool ground could be felt on her hands, prickling away at her once warm flesh.

"How's she doing?" James' voice echoed around the balcony she was beginning to recognise as the astronomy tower.

"They both seem to be doing fine, James" a male voice spoke as the head turned to look at her Griffindor friend.

Light returned to the girl very quickly and she could see her friends once again. Regulus glared at her before stepping out of the line Sirius had made them form and came to her side "Did it happen again?" He asked as the steely, grey colour came back to her eyes. She nodded very gently. "Everything okay?" Lily's sweet voice chimed before she came and gently hugged her. "Yeah, everything is fine just had a moment." Syd plastered a smile on her lips as she kept her arms round the girl. Non of her other friends had seemed to notice the girl's change.


As soon as the black and white haired girl had left the hospital wing, she immediately went to her dorm to not only write down everything she'd seen but catch up on all the homework she'd missed. Her handwriting flooded several pages in a notebook, annotating everything that she'd seen in someone else's mind. Everything pointed to her just being blunt and asking James where he goes at night. No, that's weird and surely he'd question how she knew. She began to panic, was James to be trusted especially with the war on the horizon? And who was the other person? The secretive James wasn't the James she knew. Did she dare tell anyone? Remus would understand. He listened to her wildest dreams. Even her dreams of joining the band 'Queen' which were completely unrealistic. In her words she'd have brought a bit of magic to the group.

Having completed her homework in record time she dashed downstairs and began to make her way towards the boys dormitory when she spotted just the boy she was looking for sat on the sofas. "Remus!" She hissed quietly. No response. "Lupin." Once again no response. "Mon loup, écoute moi s'il te plait!" She hissed, frustration tangling into her words. His head shot round "Oh so you hear me when I speak another language, classy!" He got up from his seat and followed the girl up the stairs into his dorm.

"What's happening? Why'd you want me?" He smirked at the girl. She busied herself with checking non of the others were in their compact bathroom. "So" she began "once we'd left the hospital wing, my mind ... My mind sort of dipped into someone else's. I THINK!" She exclaimed and started to explain what she saw. "I saw James through the eyes of someone else and they were talking about me and then us and how we were doing after the incident..." She took in a breath. "Do I talk to James?" The short girl panicked to her tall counterpart. He thought for a second "I'll talk to him, it's probably best that I do" he smiled at her.

As he looked down at her he thought about how adorable her little face was and how very easy it'd be to just pick her up. There was rough height difference of a foot meaning the 6"4 boy had to crane his neck to observe the 5"4 girl. He couldn't care about the neck pain, it was all worth it all to see Sydra. He'd do absolutely anything to be with her.

"I better get going" she spoke softly to him and he sat down on his bed almost with defeat. He wanted her to stay forever. He tried thinking of any reason to get her to stay even a second longer "Would you wanna go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend, Sunny?" he blurted out. The girl stopped in her tracks and thought carefully about how she'd answer. She wanted to go with him and she wanted to scream 'YES!! YES I WOULD!' right in his face but she didn't want to scare the boy off this quickly. Instead, Syd simply grasped the door handle and said "Okey-Dokey" with a shit eating Grin plastered across her smug little face. Remus' heart did backflips as he stood up to see the girl out of his dorm. She moved out of the door and into the stairwell. "Night Mon loup" she breathed. He smiled at her simple words "Night sunny" he ruffled her hair and closed the door so she couldn't get revenge "OI!" She shouted before laughing and making her way down the stairs.

She made her way back to her dorm to finish the book she'd began in the hospital wing. It felt odd not having another body in her bed so she was relieved when her dorm mates came up. "Marlene can I share with you?" The girl pouted as Marls got changed into her pajamas. "Yessss but if you snore once I will kick you." She said with not a shred of sarcasm. Syd nodded before getting up and sliding into her dorm mates bed. "Thank you Marls" the brunette slid into her bed behind her and spooned the girl. "How was your day?" She said cuddling the girl. "Good, it was nice seeing everyone again" she smiled "oh and my scratches are good."


Remus paced his dorm. His large step made the distance from wall to wall seem shorter than it was. He thought to Sydra's words about James deciding how to tell him. Then he began to think about the upcoming weekend and the places he could take her and the things they could get up too. Once the boys came in he sat down with James and just very quickly mentioned the astronomy tower "Pal, whatever you're doing with ..." He lowered his voice "... Regulus... Syd is gonna find out"

James face when the same colour as his bed curtains.

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