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Remus woke up to the scraping noise of his lighter and the absence of the body next to him. He shuffled up the bed so he was sat upright and when he looked down to the bottom of the bed he believed all his Christmases had come at once. Syd sat at the end of their air bed wearing little to nothing with a small gap in the tents zip, a cigarette hanging loosely between her lips as she tried to light it. "Fucker gimme a spark..." She cursed at the little orange and teal lighter. The boys face lit up, unlike the lighter, he laughed fondly alerting Syd to him being awake. She grabbed the blanket off the floor and covered up slightly as she no longer had the darkness of the night to hide behind. He slid next to her copying her motion of covering his body and gently took the lighter from her hands, gave it a shake and handed it back "try now." She took it back and it lit no problem "Favouritism much..." She laughed.

The two sat in next to silence, their silence was always comfortable though. She puffed away whilst Remus got up and rummaged through his rucksack, Syd glanced over getting the view of lifetime "didn't take you for a Flintstones kinda guy." She said nonchalantly. Remus' head raced... Had she just looked at his ass and openly admitted it. "I get them every year for Christmas from my dad's mam, there is a very dodgily placed Fred however," He said with a laugh "Nain also gets Scooby-Doo boxers for me but I refuse to wear them, anything dog related just reminds me of you and sirius and frankly I don't want that hanging around places it shouldn't!" Syd was dying of laughter on the bed  "I realise that got personal really quick, I'm very sorry." The boy said calmly as she continued to squeal.

The two got dressed with their backs to eachother again, they were comfortable with eachothers body but not that comfortable. He pulled up his trousers and went to grab his top. Syd pulled a dark dress over her body, "can you please zip me up once you're done??" She said sweetly. "Of course, just gimme a second." He replied whilst battling with a purple t-shirt, he was moving abnormally quick.

Remus spun round to face the girl's back, he moved her raven coloured curls so they draped down her shoulder. Looking at the girls back he found himself memorized by the pungent scent of her lavender shampoo. She stood and played with her hair as the soft sound of the zip filled their ears. Remus' large hand was on her waist, she turned around to face the hunched over boy. She giggled seeing his head scraping the tent's roof, he smiled down at her before cupping her cheek slightly, his hand still on her waist. Remus stared into her steely eyes, her lips parting slightly. Syd glanced from the boy's face to his chest and back up into his amber eyes.

"GET UP LAZY SODS, WE ARE DOING SOMETHING FUN TODAY!" James' voice ricocheted around them as the two separated silently, the thick and heavy feeling of lust settling in their stomachs.


James and his younger boyfriend stood hunched over a camp stove trying to toast bread, arguing over something. "James I'm telling you, Australia is more appropriate!" Regulus whinged. James only rolled his eyes in disgust "But France!! You speak French!!" He retaliated. Syd walked over and enveloped her twin in a hug, she rested her chin ontop of his head as Sirius was sat down watching his brother fight his best friend. "What's happening?" Sydra asked. Everyone sighed before replying almost in sync "They are arguing over where to go for holidays at Christmas or summer and it's bloody hilarious!"

Syd rolled her eyes before sitting down next to the werewolf. She felt nervous being close to him. "James... Darling... Your bread is on fire." Marlene said walking past him whilst eating a bowl of cereal. James shreiked, making everyone aside Marlene jump and began to stamp on the burning bread. Regulus scoffed "Fine, if you're gonna burn your bread over going to France, we'll go to France in the summer then, everyone happy with that?" They nodded "looks like me, Syd and Sirius are doing all the hard work then..." He said sarcastically before sitting down and eating his toast before it was promptly stolen by a smug looking James.

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