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The train sped through the Scottish Highlands. Syd looked out of the window at the warm tones the sun set out across the sky. "Beautiful isn't it?" Remus whispered quietly to her as the rest of their friends napped as the early morning sleepiness set in. The Hogwarts express had picked them all up at half past six that morning, meaning the friends had gotten up very early to pack last minute items and get their breakfast. "Yeah... It is." She nodded before turning to look at him. "How are you feeling about going home?" He began to stroke her knees with his thumb as she draped her legs across his lap. "Honestly. I'm just happy that Sirius managed to get away. Yes it may just be me and the kid left but I know we're both happy he's avoided our mother."

Remus felt the pain behind her words. He wanted to wash away every negative feeling the girl had. It killed him to see her upset. Syd sighed as she played with the skin on the back of her hands. She was scared, yes it wasn't as bad at home without her father but her mother almost took the longing of her husband out on her children. The black family were known around the UK for being the 'Rich french family' but they were also known for their social rank and how cruel and prejudice they were known to be. This made it hard for the siblings to make friends. Lily, Remus, Peter and Marlene having been raised by half-bloods or muggles had no idea about the black families reputation. However James knew who they were straight away, but his parents raised him better than to judge.

Syd felt lucky to have her friends, very lucky. All of them in a sense were thankful for eachother. Remus was grateful that he'd found friends that didn't care about his condition and that's perhaps what brought Syd and him so close. He pulled her onto his lap while she laughed and complained. He moved into her seat for more room. She laughed and got comfy on the lanky boy. "I'll miss you." She whispered into his neck, he felt her warm breath whip round his neck and collar bones. His stomach fluttered slightly "I'll miss you too Sunny." he said tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The train was going too fast for the pairs liking and before they knew it they were waking their friends up as King's Cross came into view. "Sirius... Wake up" his sister shook him gently. When he woke up she told him "I'll see you as soon as I can yeah?" He nodded before hugging her tightly. The train came to a halt and they all grabbed their belongings and in Syd's case younger brother's belongings too. They all traipsed onto the platform, Remus' face instantly lit up at the sight of his mother, Hope gave her son and his friends a slight wave. Syd and her exchanged a smile as Remus gave Syd the last hug she'd have for a while. She felt like a train had hit her when he finally let go.

She looked round the platform and spotted the small house elf grimacing at the Lupins "KREATURE" She barked. The withering animal's attention snapped to her. "Yes young mistress Black?" He said bitterly. She'd known that the elf had hated her and Sirius since their birth but he had a soft spot for Regulus. "Please take us home." She requested. He nodded before offering out his arms to the children. Syd hated apparating, the whirly, not quite solid feeling rushed through her small body and she finally felt the solid ground beneath her doc Martins.


Kreature scampered towards the dingey old building, the children following closely behind his tiny frame. Regulus was the first to pass through the large wooden door of their home followed by his luggage then his older sister. "You should go unpa-" she was cut off by a strong hand pinning her to the wooden paneling of the house's cloak room. "RUN!" She screamed to Regulus.

Regulus did what his sister commanded and dashed up the stairs, however he did not retreat to his room but hid behind the large banister on the stairs. Although Regulus had grown up be be about 5' 11 he was still a child at heart. A child who could feel his sister's pain from a great distance a child who'd cry himself to sleep in his own family home. Regulus watched as their father had his sister pinned to their crappy paneled wall.

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