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James' step quickened as they all neared the hospital wing. Sirius, still holding the limp boy up, kicked the hospital door open. "MADAM POMFREY PLEASE!!!" He yelled as soon as the door was open. The two boys dragged Remus to his usual bed in the corner of the hospital wing, luckily no one else was there at the time. The ageing woman dashed out of her quarters still dressed in a large night gown. James hoisted Sydra in behind the other three boys. "What on Earth happened here" the woman said as she gathered her medical equipment. "Don't play dumb Poppy, you know we all help Remus on Full moons!" Sirius snapped as he pulled his sister's hair from her face.

The girl looked up from the hospital bed and stared at her brother before her head snapped to the body in the bed next to hers. Tears bubbled in the girl's eyes, "Is he dead?" She said breathing rapidly due to her injuries. No one answered the girl as they all busied themselves with helping each child. "Get Proffessor McGonagall and Dumbledore please James" Pomfrey said to the fretting boy. He nodded and darted out of the hospital wing. "Mister Black, go and inform your brother of this incident and escort Mister Pettigrew to your dorm, take the day off and tell James please." She bossed the boy around and he went to go and tell Regulus.

The woman gave the girl something to knock her out. Whilst waiting for the other two teachers she applied bandages to the wounds of both children before she could do anything serious. Once McGonagall arrived, Pomfrey started to apply balms and oitments to Remus' new scratches then began to wind gauze round his major wounds. The boy had left a deep scratch from the right of his forehead over the bridge of his nose that ended on his left cheek, the woman was sure to be careful with this scratch. She applied a generous amount of balm to it then a very light covering of gauze.

"Can we not stitch them up?" McGonagall's voice rang from Sydra's bedside. "No, they are magical wounds, not just dumb teenager scrapes. They need the proper care and will heal with time" Pomfrey informed her.

Next the woman moved on to the girl's injury. She peeled off the pads she'd applied in an attempt to stop the blood flow. She inspected the large scratch across the middle Black's torso. She sighed before moving to take a bottle containing wolfsbane potion. Once again McGonagall's voice rang through the hospital wing, "will the girl be affected by this encounter?" She questioned. The woman tutted "they are illegal animagi, correct?" The nurse questioned. McGonagall nodded. "If she was an animal at the time then no. She'll just be permanently scarred and I don't suppose this will stop Miss Black from joining Remus on his transformations." The women stayed quiet while Madam Pomfrey applied the wolfsbane in an attempt to minimise the amount of magical damage the girl's friend had inflicted.


After a few hours of recovery Sydra finally woke up. She found her entire torso was covered in a thick, tight bandage. Once Sirius had returned, Poppy had tasked him with retrieving some pajamas for both of his friends. He'd brought his sister a pair of long, soft pajama bottoms as well as her fluffy dressing gown. As for Remus, Sirius had grabbed a long sleeved shirt made of t-shirt material and a pair of joggers. Syd laid in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling as memories of that morning came back to her rather suddenly.

Remus had woken up a while ago, Poppy had told him that his mother would be there later to check on him as per her request. He was looking forward to seeing her again, it was just a shame it was under such awful circumstances. Someone, presumably Lily, had left him a bunch of brightly coloured flowers. He took them in his hand and smelt them, the smell was enough to make the already suffering boy sneeze.

"Remus? You awake?" The girl asked from behind her curtains. "God?" The boy joked "yeah, come in if you want." Syd got up from her bed before groaning and pushed both her and then Remus' curtains out of the way and drew them behind her. He glanced at her before mentally questioning why she was wearing her pajamas, after the thought entered the boys head her dressing gown slipped open to reveal a series of bandages. Remus threw his legs out from under the covers and gently placed his hands on the girls waist while he stared at the bandages "what happened?!" He demanded from his counterpart.

She gently pushed him to lie down on the bed. Remus patted the space next to him for her to come and snuggle in while she explained the night and morning. She took his offer and laid her head on his uninjured bit of chest. "It started okay, we only had to restrain you once and then you had a nap and wanted to be out. We all played for a bit and then when you started coming back I went to get you to stop and you really turned on me. And then I ended up here" she left out the grusome details like the trail of blood the pair left on their way to the hospital wing.

He held the beautiful girl's head and laid a gentle kiss on her hair. She held the boy close "How are you Moony?" He pondered his answer, he felt like he was drowning in guilt, he also felt like he'd just been physically hit by a train. "Honestly, I feel like I've just died and come back to life but my pain isn't gone and this thing on my face doesn't help" he chuckled as he stroked her hair. The moment would have been perfect if they weren't in the damn hospital wing. Both teenagers stayed silent for a while before the girl of the pair fell asleep on his comfortable chest.

Remus stayed quiet so the girl could sleep, he rubbed her back. The guilt was overwhelming but he knew that once he transformed he no longer had control over what happens. He played with her hair, braiding small sections. "What are you doing?" She mumbled sleepily. He began to laugh "I got bored okay?" She narrowed her eyes at the boy. "Okay?" She pursued her lips, Remus' hand left his side and made its way to her cheeks which he squeezed teasingly. "Animal abuse" the girl laughed before getting up to go back to her own bed. "I'll see you later Moons" she smiled.

Sydra exited the curtained area, in the part between his bed and her own bed she felt watched. She looked up towards the reception. A mousy haired lady with a very hippie top on was watching the girl. "Hope?" Syd questioned as she tilted her head slightly. She looked like her Moony. The woman nodded. "Oh... Erm... He's awake" she didn't really know what to say as the woman had just caught her exiting her son's makeshift room. Remus' feet hit the floor so quickly "Mum?!" He said as he opened the curtains.

Syd looked around the hospital wing before spotting her brothers. She opened her curtains fully and made the pair drag over two chairs. She sat on her bed cross legged. "Don't scare me like that you Pillock" Regulus went to punch her but stopped. "Yeah, that's what I thought" the girl laughed before embracing the pair of brothers. "I love you two."

"So that's Sydra, huh?" The woman bit her lip. "Yes mum" the boy sighed knowing she'd never let him forget she saw the girl come from his curtains. "She looks lovely, kid. So how are you doing?" She smiled at her only child. "Definitely been better to say the least, especially with this thing on my face" he sighed "would have been much worse if it wasn't her ... And Sirius" he added quickly. "Which ones Sirius again?" She said whilst looking at the three siblings. "The wilder looking boy with loads of ear piercings and probably a leather jacket" he said perfectly describing the boy without looking. "That's a talent" she spoke in a Welsh accent thicker than Remus'. "Tell me everything that's happened" she smiled and her son began to gossip to her about a few nights before at the party and then yesterday morning. He earned a slap on the wrist for smoking the day before.

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