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James woke up the next morning and instantly hauled his head into his hands, "oh FUCKING hellll!!!" He cried squinting his eyes into his bright bedroom. Then he rolled over, his hand instantly smacked Sirius in the stomach and the black haired boy launched into a seated position as his face turned pale. "I regret last night, you?" He asked with a whine. Sirius was clutching his stomach, whilst James shook his head really, really slowly.

Down the corridor and to the left, Syd laid with her hair messily tangled over her shoulder and draped down her sharp collar bone. Remus' white shirt was hugging her gently as she slept, her mouth hung open and her hand was flopped out of bed. Her fingers were interlocked with Remus' as his arm hung from the bed to his sprawled position on the floor.  James had managed to get changed and let himself into Syd's room. He was welcomed by the soft snores of Syd and the boy on the floor. He smiled before reaching for Syd's new Polaroid camera and taking a shot of the pair before putting the camera down again and going for his breakfast.

Mia and Monty were sat at their breakfast counter, giggling like children when James pulled himself through the kitchen door. "Mornin' parents." He said sarcastically as he slumped into a seat at the small circular table behind them. "Good night I see, son." Fleamont cackled as he was met with a glare from his child. Remus was the next to join the family. "Morning!" He said cheerfully as he clicked the kettle on and got the mugs from a cupboard. Minty and James were talking about the best hangover cures whilst Mia made her way over to the werewolf boy. "You seem chipper, something happen last night?" She smirked only to be met with Remus' shaking curls. "Nope, not at all, just happy that I'm not in that state." He said pointing at James who now had his head between his knees. Mia raised a brow "I can't say I don't blame you for being happy." She said and clapped him in the back before filling the mugs with hot drinks for everyone.

"I take it Syd's still asleep?" She questioned as Remus poured sugar into his tea. "I believe so, if not, she's dead...." Mia looked at him for a second "I'm gonna go check actually." He panicked and put down his tea and sprinted upstairs. Remus' mind was working quicker than his legs as he tripped up the last three stairs and into Syd's bedroom. But still, the girl laid, her mouth hanging open and her hand draping to the floor. He smiled before sitting on the bed next to her and brushing the hair from her face, she woke slightly.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a sleepy smile. "Making sure you're alive and your liver hasn't stopped working." He chuckled before playing with her fingers nervously. Syd rolled slightly before pulling the douvet up to her shoulder and yawning, "what's the time?" She squinted at the small brass alarm clock on her bedside table. "Quarter to nine." Remus replied with whilst still playing with her hands, suddenly her fingers snapped around his and she hauled him up the bed "it's too early to be up." She sighed and dragged him under the covers. "Christ I feel like I'm being dragged into some sort of lair." He said sarcastically as he wrapped an arm around his partner in crime. Syd cackled "muhahaha I want one hour of sleep before you can leave." She said in a typical vampire voice. He moved her hair again "you're so corny Syd."

Sirius was the last to get up as James jabbed him in the kidneys with his wand "out, move go on, scram!" The curly haired boy sighed as he attempted to get Padfoot out of his bed. "But why it's warm and cosy and I fit perfectly right here."
"Cos, imbecile, we're going to the match."
"What match...."
"THE match." James called getting angry now.
"But my head hurts...."
"Go downstairs, dad will sort it out. Plus we'll see Brodie as he's gonna go watch the strategies." This got Sirius out of bed and running downstairs to see Monty. James sighed "I'm like a mother to these kids, Syd next."

James pottered down the hallway saying his goodmornings to the paintings and the House elves as they passed before knocking on Syd's door gently. "Piss off, she's asleep James." Remus said with a laugh. "I'm not, come in." Syd said readjusting her head on Remus' chest before the poor sighted boy came in. James curled his lip at them "for fucks sake, just get together already, I'm sick off his will they won't they bullshit, now get up, we're going to the match kids."
"I'm oldert than you!"
"Me too!" They cried as James left the room in a dramatic rush.

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