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Potions felt like a walk in the park after the hell Sydra had suffered at home over Christmas. The boring old man droned on about the importance of following each direction as precisely as the book stated. Slughorn really was boring, almost as boring as Proffessor Binns and that was truly saying something. Syd looked at her table buddy. His eyes beamed back at her, they were full of joy and warmth, she hated how Remus made her feel. She rolled her eyes at his happyness and he chuckled in response as he brushed his arm gently against hers. The dungeons felt warmer than usual, sweaty and stuffy.

"I'm going to say this again for Miss Black since she seems to be in another dimension" Slughorn's voice targeted the snoozy girl. "Your current table partner will be permanent from now on as I'm rather sick of people telling me they don't like who they work with" the man rolled his eyes which was rather out of character for the normally jolly man, that's when she caught sight of Sirius and James. They were already plotting and creating small explosions. 'Already?!' The girl thought as she eyeballed the boy she'd shared the womb with. Syd rested her head on her hands before the man thought it'd be a great time to actually start brewing potions. Ugh!

"Hair bobble" Remus ordered as she lit the Bunsen burner under their shared cauldron. "Don't have one" she said almost singeing her eyebrows. "Well it's your lucky day because I do" he joked as he handed her the elastic. She put it round her wrist and got her Sirius spoon out of her bag. "Hair blobble right now Black" he said without even looking at the girl. She let out a dramatic sigh "my arms don't work." Remus gave her his signature 'seriously' look as she nodded. He took the bobble from her wrist and took all of her hair in his hand before gently tying it at the back of her head. "Thanks moons" she smiled before getting some ingredients, slowly. "Why are you so tired this morning?" He asked her when she returned. "Marlene" she sighed "kept me and lily up all night to talk about her crush and then had the audacity to snore when we finally did try to get some sleep." The werewolf looked over to Marlene and Lily's work station to find the red head nearly passed out as her friend shook her. "Story checks out" he nudged Syd to look at Lily.

The pair followed the instructions perfectly but Syd managed to get African Sea Salt into her left eye "Oh Merlin this hurts!!" She said squinting her eye and holding the desk firmly. "Please step away from the fire if you can't see very well" he said grabbing her shoulders and guiding her away from the burner. "I'm fine" she smiled "would you still be my friend if I had an eye-patch?" She joked. Remus laughed as he imagined the girl with an eye-patch "yes, but only if I could draw you a fake eye on it." The pair cracked up before returning to the brewing concoction. "Can you look at my eye later please? When we aren't basically sat in the dark?" She asked as her eye twinged. "Yeah course, How'd you even get salt in your eye?"


Their potion was very successful and did exactly as it was supposed to. The friends laughed and joked about the size Syd's eye was growing to be "Its moony's fault, he distracted me and the salt crawled into my eye" she hissed. Sirius stared at his sister with a questioning look as they all walked down towards the Black lake. "What can I say? I'm very distracting" Remus said almost flirtatiously as he put his arm round the balloon eyed girl. She rested her head on him and they found a nice spot in the sun to sit. "Can you look at my eye now please?" She laughed as he nodded before holding the girls cheeks to keep her head still. "The chunk of salt is in the fleshy bit" he said squimishly "just rub your eye and it should come out."
"Thank you Doctor Remus" she smirked before rubbing her eye.


Syd, Remus, Peter and Lily walked down to the quidditch pitch wearing their thickest waterproof jackets. "Why do we have to sit in this shitty weather?" Remus asked as he put his arm round Syd's shoulder and began to jog towards the pitch "I hate you for making me move quicker than a walk!" She shouted above the noise of the rain. "And we have to sit in this 'shitty weather' for both of my brothers, James and Marlene and y'know myself as I am little miss commentator" Remus chuckled as they reached the shelter "come on. Lils, Peter, Remus why don't you sit at the back so you're covered a bit more and can eat your snacks in peace" she smiled. The girl adored her friends and all their little quirks. She went and took her seat next to a miserable and wet Proffessor McGonagall "Cats don't like the rain?" Syd laughed. The woman goggled at the girls boldness "aren't dogs supposed to enjoy it? Although that wet dog smell is insufferable" she retaliated in her neat Scottish accent. "Wow... Minnie, you'd think you hated me" she put her hand over her heart in mock pain. "Just do the commentary Black"

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