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The warm haze of the afternoon sunshine glimmered through Syd's hotel window. The family had booked a fancy old castle that was primarily used for weddings for Syd and her husband to be. They'd been there for a few hours, getting used to the surroundings and wandering the castle halls. Regulus was sleeping off the previous evening's beating whilst his sister sat at the window sill looking out over the French streets. Birds passed by the window, unphased by the large frown across their observants face. Syd's expression had not changed for hours, not even when Regulus had bought her a chocolate Danish. She had no wand, no werewolf, no big brother and no stag, but she did have Regulus - their parents demanded that they leave their wands in England "I want no funny business from either of you" were their mother's words.

Syd looked out the window, observing the birds landing on picnic benches and roof tops nearby. Regulus' room looked out onto the French streets so the girl could see restaurant after restaurant and bakery after bakery. The smell in the air was one that she couldn't ever get sick of, bread and cinnamon mixed with cigarette smoke from the people below. She could see the bakery that Regulus had bought her a Danish in, it was a short and thin red building with a sign that made the building look like it'd topple over with the sheer size of it's advertisement. Syd could giggle at the ridiculous size of the sign as she imagined Remus and her friends fretting about going under it and her and her two brothers shouting "WELCOME TO FRANCE!"

Everyone in the castle was hurrying around putting centrepieces together or cleaning dishes ready for Thursday's festivities. Eventually Walburga ushered Syd from Regulus' room and into her own "Now Darling, I've laid a dress and some shoes on your bed for you to wear to tonight's dinner with the Rosiers." The mother said in rush before practically pushing her daughter towards the clothes and slamming the door behind her as she left. The young girl looked at the dress, admittedly it was beautiful, medium length, green silk with a square neck, spaghetti straps and a thin silk belt. She picked it up and inspected it before undressing.

To her suprise she wasn't alone, a darkish brown, barnowl made itself known in the corner of the window by tapping on the glass. Syd stood up with just her top and underwear on and strode over to the window, opening it and letting the bird in. "Hey thorny," she smiled whilst petting Remus' owl, "can I have that please?" She asked whilst pointing to the letter tied to Hawthorn's leg. The owl quite happily stuck it's leg out as Syd pushed over a bag of owl treats for her to eat. The girl untied the letter and retreated to her bed where she sat cross legged in the middle. Sydra's full name lay across the front of the parchment in Remus' neat cursive, her fingers fiddles with the wax seal before she bit the bullet and ripped it off.

"Dear Sydra,
The boys feel awful about how the trip ended, myself included. Is there anything we can do to make it up to you Suns?

On another note, I miss you already, missed you since I started to walk home! I hope France is good for you and you'll have to tell us everything that happened so we can shit talk your parents when we get back to school. Also I thought you better know that me, James and Lily all made prefects this year. I don't know who the fourth will be but fingers crossed it's not you!!! I'm joking I'm joking, I can see the pissy face your pulling, it's cute.

Anyway, Hope says Hi and I'm sure hawthorn has had her pets so I'm sure she's happy,
Lots of love
Mon Loup - I think I spelt that correctly?'

Tears welled in Syd's eyes, if only he'd given her a ring instead of -KNOCK KNOCK. Syd was pulled from her thoughts by a loud knocking on her door. "Come in!" She sighed, thinking that it'd be Castle staff asking her if she needed anything. She was wrong. The door creaked open and in came Evan Rosier.

"Well hello princess." He grinned. She shuddered before moving to cover up her underwear, she knew what he was like. "What do you want Evan?" She questioned angrily before shimmying over the bed towards the dress with her blanket covering her. "I just want to talk." He said with a voice that made him sound offended by Syd's tone of voice.  "Turn round or leave whilst I change then we can talk Rosier." She said aggressively pointing at him to turn around. The man did as commanded while she pulled her dress on over her hips and slid her top off to pull the rest of the dress up. "I don't think your supposed to wear a bra with that dress darling." He chuckled. She knew he was right as the dress did have an open back. "How did you know I was still wearing it?" She questioned whilst sliding it off and adjusting the dress. "Simply didn't hear it come off." He shrugged before turning back to face her. Syd sat on the bed and slid her shoes on before making her way to the vanity table. Evan sat down on her bed "can we talk or not then?" He said straightening out his tux. The girl looked at him in the mirror and nodded quickly. "Fine, like I asked what do you want Evan?". He smirked at her words, what did he want. He had already taken possession of her to him.

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