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The morning was odd, Syd woke up to a large cracking sound. The girl sat upright in her bed before frantically looking round as Remus seemed to be missing. She put a pair of the werewolf's shoes on and her dressing gown, she was careful when exiting her tent as Remus' shoes were very large on her feet. Lily and Marlene were hanging around last night's dead fire, eating what looked to be beans on toast. Syd came and plopped herself down in one of the chairs "Do you know where Remus... And the boys are?" She said looking round and realising that it wasn't only Remus who was missing. Lily nodded as Marlene continued to stuff her face. "Yeah, they just went out for something, said they'd be back at lunch-ish." Lily shrugged.

Syd sighed "Fancy swimming?" The girls replied with a nod. "I'm shocked the boys managed to get James up at this time mind..." Marlene laughed before swallowing a large chunk of toast. "Remember that time he got shit faced and fell asleep in your bed and you had to kick him to the floor and he still didn't wake up!!!"
"Don't remind me..." Lily scoffed before finishing her breakfast and going to her and Marlene's shared tent to get changed. Syd also retreated to her now empty tent and changed into the swim suit she'd bought a few days prior. She pulled the top on over her head, then she pulled the bottoms on. Syd admired the ink on her thigh and waist, it was beautiful and she wondered how her friends would react as no one seemed to notice the others.

She tied her hair up, grabbed a towel and one of Remus' zip up hoodies. 'Perfect!' she thought as the boy's hoodie draped over her body and covered her rather nicely. The girl sauntered down to the beach where she could see the bodies of the only other girls on this trip, Syd unrolled her towel and laid it out rather elegantly. She sat down on the fabric and turned to look at the girls. Marlene was practically drooling and lily looked shocked. "What?" Syd asked her friends. Marlene sucked up her drool before talking, "I think I'm gayer than I was this morning..."
"What poor marls is tryna say is that you are hot as fuck..." Lily smirked before returning to a small red book she had opened. Marlene continued to drool over her friend for a moment "what are the flowers for?" She asked indicating to Syd's side. The girl shrugged in response "just felt like it, got one on my ear and fingers too." She smirked before removing Remus' jacket and wandering into the water.

It was cold at first but it progressively warmed up as she got used to the cool lapping of the water. Her friends watched from the shore. The lake was still and clear so Syd decided to duck under the surface of the water and embrace the liquid. The light hit the water perfectly, beams of gold, almost as magical as the girl, illuminated the depths. She swam around, bringing her arms out in a butterfly motion before resurfacing to witness Marlene and Lily charging into the water behind her. She felt completely vulnerable with the lack of clothing she was wearing but seeing her two friends in just as much filled her with a new confidence. Marlene slung her arms round Syd's neck and brought them both crashing under the surface. When they remerged Marlene proceeded to say "I'd snog you right now if you didn't have the hots for Lupin." They all laughed.
"Hey! I don't like Remus like that, he's just a close friend." Syd said before floating on her back. The other two girls copied her and the three joined hands as to not drift away from eachother. "Don't lie to us Syd," Lily began, "you've liked him since he snatched that book out of your hands back on day one!!"
"Exactly, I mean we would never tell him but the others are starting to click on, sirius will forever remain oblivious though!" Marlene cackled.
"I don't like Remus like that," Syd huffed "he's just a really close friend"
"Syd hunny, I'm a really close friend and you don't steal my clothes or come looking for me when I'm missing or share a bed with me or cuddle... Dare I go on" lily listed.
"I don't.."


"Sit down and stop being a fanny!" Brodie shouted at Regulus, Remus, Sirius and James. "You're a fucking fanny..." Sirius mumbled under his breath causing a giggle from James. The boy's were surrounded by the repetitive and frankly rather vibratey noise of tattoo guns. Sirius was bouncing in his chair like his ass was made of springs, Remus was sat too elegantly for the place they were, Brodie was stood playing with Sirius' hair, Regulus was observing his tattooist and James was next to passing out. The five of them looked like they were crazy, Brodie had managed to slip in whilst one of the tattooists were free and get his over and done with whilst the others waited in anticipation.

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