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A/N, how are you all doing? I am really enjoying writing this story and I can only hope that you are all enjoying reading it as well. I enjoy just coming on this app and checking how many reads Bookish has gotten and every time (even if it's only gone up by one) i get this kind of excited buzz!! It's brilliant😂 anyway on with the story!


The time spent with her friends flew by quicker than she would have liked and before Syd knew it she was waking up on the day they had all arranged to go home. The middle Black child was awoken by her hair tickling her face and the gentle, sleeping breaths of Remus. He was completely cuddled around her, his body pressed tightly on hers. Syd held his hand over her stomach and the other played with his limp fingers, watching them spring back into the claw shape she'd pulled them from. His breaths were soft and warmed her neck, Syd didn't want to wake the sleeping werewolf due to the comfort of his embrace. Remus's head fell into the curve of her neck and she moved her hand from his to play with his curls.

The boy's hand that was resting on top of her bare stomach grabbed the nearest bit flesh, causing the girl to laugh. "Oi, let go." the boy woke up rather abruptly, startling himself and Syd. They just looked at eachother shocked by his awakening before they started to laugh at one another. "I was so comfy... Why'd you have to wake me?" He whined in that cute Welsh accent and tried pulling her back into the position they were in previously. "Because you were tryna rip my belly off!" She laughed as he put his head back in the curve of her neck. "What belly? There is fuck all there." He whinged before shutting his eyes again all snug and comfy once more. "Problem?" She retaliated. "No, just saying that I can't grab something that isn't there, Little Liar. I mean I wouldn't complain if you did have a belly." He chuckled, knowing he'd get a reaction from her. She chucked the blanket off and sat cross legged in her underwear and bra Infront of the boy. He opened his eyes with a smirk "see, no proof." The girl huffed then poked him right between the eyes before gripping her stomach and showing him the small, pain-free, red marks he had left.

Remus grinned at her smugly before rolling over and throwing his legs out of the bed. She watched his body as he slinked over to his now packed bag that today's clothes laid ontop of. He reached out for Syd's clothes ontop of her bag, throwing her top and bottoms at her and picking up a bra "how the hell can you wear this everyday?" He laughed and held it up to his own chest. "Careful otherwise I'll fasten it and you'll be stuck." She joked. The boy eventually threw over the bra and they got changed in their normal style -back to back.


They had all taken down their tents and were packing everything else up in a miserable silence when Sirius spoke. "Can't you both just come with me and James?" He said to his siblings. Everyone's attention now focused on the family as they glanced at eachother. "You stay there, with those evil bastards who carve things into your flesh, burn you and then bruise and damage you both! So just come with us." The eldest said through gritted teeth, anger burning in his core. "Sirius, you know we can't," his sister said simply, "even if we did, I couldn't guarantee that James' family would want us or be safe. You know how reckless they were when you left, let alone their two remaining children. Us moving would have serious reprocusions, ones I don't want to face Sirius!!" She imagined the possible consiquences. "Don't bullshit me," the boy said threateningly coming closer to his younger sister, "you just don't want to leave. Attention seeking little bitch." He spat at her, the boy stunk of booze. The situation escalated quickly. Syd was furious, how dare he. "So much has happened to us purely because you left, use that fucking brain of yours for once and imagine What'd happen to you and us if we left! Now sober up you drunk!" Sirius saw red, enough was enough. He wanted his family to be together. "Don't you see how much we all love you, both of you! I mean fucking look at Remus! How he's always willing to give you the time of day! And you!" He pointed to a now angry looking Regulus, "James loves you to pieces and you don't even wanna stay with him! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?"

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