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November 30th

"happy birthday" Syd said as she layed a kiss on her twins forehead as he slept, she'd stayed in the boys dorm the night before as the girls wanted to plan and decorate their room for Syd's birthday.

"Syd?" The girl heard Remus' voice call in that polite Welsh accent. "yeah?" She replied, trying to match the kindness in his voice. "Happy birthday" he smiled. "Thank you Remy" she went over to his bed and gave him a quick hug "I'm gonna head downstairs, come with?" The girl questioned. He nodded in response and she headed down to the plush couches while he got himself dressed.

He came and sat with her, wrapping an arm round her shoulders. "Are you and Sirius doing presents after school or before?"
"You honestly think Sirius would be up early enough" she laughed. The pair sat and stared into the fire.

"What are you going to do when you go home for Christmas?" Remus asked, his voice going quiet. "Probably try and avoid everyone that isn't sirius or regulus, try and send you, James and lily some letters but I have no idea how successful I'll be" she sighed. Remus rubbed her shoulder with the hand that was round her. "I hope it goes better than we all expect" he gained a small laugh from the girl.

After their little talk the pair went and got ready for the day of lessons ahead then woke up the remaining twin. "Oi... Sirius... OI BLACK" The girl woke her brother, startling not only him but his best friends too. "Sydra... I love you but can you just be quiet for once, non of you Black's are quiet, only Reggie" James said still half asleep. "James... I will drop that cannibalistic book on you if you don't get up right now" the look of fear on the boys face could entertain the girl for years.

The dressed and ready pair waited downstairs by the portrait hole for their friends. "I mean it's his birthday, our birthday, anyone would have thought that he'd have been up early" she chuckled before spotting Brodie Wood. Wood had a very messily wrapped gift in his hands and seemed to be nervously waiting for someone. Sydra nudged Remus "you think that's for Sirius?" She smiled hoping that her brother had actually found someone that'd be good for him. "I hope so" her friend replied.

The group of friends and Brodie walked towards the transfiguration class room together, the twins and James had the class but Remus, lily and Marlene all had History of magic. They'd all catch up in their second class (Care of magical creatures).

"So boys, what's tonight's plan of action?" Syd chimmed as the two boys looked at her with sleepy faces. "Birthday bumps" James said ominously. Sirius pushed the door of the classroom open and wandered inside the room and the three took their seats at the back of the class room. The girl sat between the other two. "I say we party all night, I know it's a Monday but so what?" She doodled in her school book the plans for the evening.

"Syd we can't have a dinosaur..."
"That's ... That's not a dinosaur Siri"
"What the fuck is that??" James whisper shouted. "That my friend is Remus with a guitar... Cos it will happen... I hope" she chuckled "I missed last time because of our stupid brother"
"Don't call him stupid" James said suddenly. "But he is?..." Syd replied. The whole interaction became a bit weird after that.

"I expect a twelve inch long essay on the importance of the animagus laws" McGonagall said as she eyed up the three. "Someone cough awkwardly" Sirius whispered and his twin stepped up the the challenge and let off two stiff coughs, "what was that look for Minnie?" She laughed and scratched the back of her hand.

After transfiguration the three walked down to the gamekeepers hut. "Hello there" a warm voice spoke in Syd's ear which made her blush "hello remy" she said linking arms with him. He took her bag from her shoulder and placed it on his own. "Anything for the birthday girl" he smirked. "I wouldn't expect any less" she smirked back and put her head on his shoulder as they walked towards their next class.

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