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"As I'm sure you're all aware" Dumbledores voice rang, "We are missing a student at our Hufflepuff table this evening" The black siblings hung their heads in shame, "I'm sorry to say that I'm not sure if that seat will ever be filled again. In this time of loss, family means more than anything, whether that family is biological or made, keep them close.... Let the feast begin"

Syd patted her twins hand "come on, we did fuck all, punch them if they try and tell you otherwise" she said as she could feel the shame leaking from the boy. "Yeah guess so" he perked up and the friends started dishing up food, helping eachother when certain foods were out of reach. "Carrots?" Remus asked Syd "plllleaaaaaseeee" she laughed as she piled pigs-in-blankets, mash potatoes, chicken and rare steak onto Remus' plate. "Syd stop it" he laughed "imma be like a human bowling ball!" He took his plate off her as she put one more roast potato onto it. She smiled before loading up her plate.

The hunger she'd endured over the last two weeks was really setting in as she took the napkin from around her cutlery. The smells alone were enough to feed the girl. She took the cutlery in her hands and began to eat as elegantly as a starving woman could. She ate and she ate and she ate. The boys watched in awe. "Geez Syd, did they starve you or something?" James joked and the friends quickly became silent. "Yes" she said bluntly before putting some mash in her mouth "but i have potatoes now so I'll live" she joked before laughing and making Remus eat more.

Later in the evening the friends abandoned the common room to let the twins chat. Syd had just gotten ready for bed when her brother came and banged on her, lily and Marlenes dorm door. "Shit face, up downstairs 5 minutes" he'd shouted through the key hole. She rolled her eyes before appologising to lily and Marlene for the distruption "I'm sorry about my cock of a brother". The dark haired girl rummaged through her draws for a bag, a bag which contained lots of nail polish. That's right, Sirius didn't know it yet but he was about to be a victim.

"Hi, don't bang on my door like that again thank you very much and you still have to tell me how you've beaten the stairs at their own game" the girl laughed as she slumped onto the couch next to her twin with a bag of nail polish in her hands. "It's simple, it's like walking up a park slide, just need grippy shoes and... what's the bag for?" He raised an eyebrow. She smiled before opening the small bag and showing him. Sirius put his face in his hands "you are NOT painting my nails" he chuckled. Syd began to pout and widen her beautiful grey eyes. "But... But you're my big brother and you'd do anything for me!" She whinged and he eventually caved.

"How was Christmas with the Potters?" She asked as her brother picked out a nail colour. "It was ... Good? Was weird without you and Regulus however. Mia and Monty want you both to stay with us. When I got your letter I saw the bruising on your face, so did Mia... It wouldn't be any hassle to have you or Reg" the girl sighed and nodded. He handed her a small bottle of deep red polish as well as a Goldy colour. "Reg, he loves you and James but... I honestly don't think  he'd stay with the Potters, he wouldn't want too, he'd feel bad even if he was welcome and I believe the only way he'd come was if he had no choice. You know what he's like" she applied an even layer of red polish to her brothers finger nails. "You forgot the gold" he complained. Syd rolled her eyes at him "no I didn't, I'm gonna do stars on your nails once the red dries dipshit." He laughed at her before continuing "got some good presents, looking forward to exchanging all of ours later though, properly" she smiled and proceeded to paint his nails. "did anything happen with you and the kid?" Sirius questioned as he watched his sister working very carefully on his hands. "Well, not really. Just ... Fuck it, so at Walburgas party I looked at Uncle Artucus and, I don't know how to put this... But saw into his mind?" She rounded off quickly and blew on Sirius' nails. "All done pretty boy"
"Ha ha very funny, you coming up?" The shaggy haired boy asked, she responded with a nod before shaking the nail polish bag maliciously.

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