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Gun shots echoed through the Potter House as Syd clung onto her twin. "No... Noooooo!!!!" She whimpered, as tears sprung to her eyes, "oh don't be such a pansy," Peter said "it's only a damn dog." The three canines in the living room turned to look at him as James entered with a big bowl of popcorn "DID THE DOG DIE?!" He screamed dropping to his knees. Peter rolled his eyes again "I'm really fucking going off you, y'know." Syd said matter of factly to him and Sirius wrapped his fingers around her mouth to stop any more words that could cause a fight to escape from her. "She's got a point Pads." Remus interjected, "he's been nothing but a fucking twat recently." He said getting up to help James.

Peter sat watching as the true friends helped eachother out "At least I know what you lot think of me I suppose."
"Pete man, just fuck off and go home if you're gonna be a prick. We'll see you at school." James said being the decision maker. Pete's face went white, pure rage bubbled inside him, he was loosing the only people he called friends because of a girl. The girl in question could not be removed nor replaced in their eyes sadly. He stood up, gathered his stuff together "righto lads." And just like that, he left. Syd watched him walk down the driveway and exit the premises. "What the actual fuck is wrong with him. He used to be so nice and now he's as Remmy said, a fucking twat."

The now smaller group continued to watch their film peaceful. Syd's hands migrated to Remus' hair as she wrapped his hair around her fingers mindlessly watching as fight broke out on screen. "The Muggle depiction of werewolves is so inaccurate." James said as he wuinted at a man who's 'wolf' was showing by only his ears and tail. "I know right!" Syd said flopping her head back to see James, "for a start Remus just looks like a big angry wolf and when he's not angry he's sleepy, honestly you're a bit boring moons." She said smirking down at him in her lap. She then turned to her brothers "the plan in action this year?" She questioned when Remus wasn't paying attention, they replied with a simple nod and continued with their film.

Darkness was rolling towards the house as night crept in and so did a summer thunder storm. Sirius's record player had found a home on the coffee table as the teens danced around to the top hits of David Bowie and Queen, James spun Syd round and round until she had to shout for him to stop. They enjoyed what little of summer they had left. "We should go sit outside and watch the storm." Sirius said getting his coat from the rack. Syd smiled before racing upstairs to get the other boy's coats and jumpers. "She's gonna have mascara rolling down her face, grab a camera Prongs." The black haired boy laughed and opened the door as his sister flung coats, jumpers and boots at everyone. "Okie dokie, I'm ready." She giggled and marched into the pouring rain.

Together they made their way round to the pool and sat on the furniture together. The group were cuddled together like a group of penguins as the sky lit up above them. James made noises of awe as the thunder followed gently rumbling through them. "I'm gonna ask lily out." He said turning this outing into a truth telling session. Remus' head snapped from the sky to the boy "is that a smart idea prongs?" His words were followed by the questioning looks if the Black twins. "You and reg have literally just broken up." Sirius said.
"Don't say his name." The girl demanded feeling her heart break all over again. Remus wrapped his wet arm Around her shoulders. "Personally I do think it's a good idea. He was brilliant en all but this is Lily I'm talking about, hair as red as fire and eyes like the grass. She's perfect." Syd rolled her eyes dramatically, then she gently faced Remus. He smiled back at her, chewing in his lip like he so often did to the point where the scar would burst. "Just do it." Syd smiled.
"Okay I think I will!" James yelled triumphantly as lightning struck a few fields away from them. "Look at you all, single and alone. Muhahaha." Sirius laughed receiving a punch to the gut from James and laughs from Syd and Remus.

"You got any cigarettes?" Syd said putting on a prom and proper accent to elicit a laugh from the boy. Remus went digging in his jeans pockets before handing her a slightly soggy carton. "Here. Gis one." He said going as Welsh as he could in an attempt to make her laugh this time. Syd took a couple from the carton and placed them to his lips as she went rummaging through her coat for a lighter. Remus happily sat there with his hand behind her as he played around with them in his mouth. When she finally found her ligher Remus had worked the cigarettes around in his mouth so they looked like walrus tusks. She shrieked with laughter before falling off the seat backwards with a thump. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She cried still in hysterics. Remus was now hunched over holding his stomach still with them in his mouth "I DONT KNOW!!!" He cried back, Sirius and James finally caught a glimpse at the boy. Together the teens laughed like hyenas before finally lighting the fags in Remus mouth. She pried one off him and brought it to her own full lips. Remus watched, facinated by every rain drop and that ran over her porcelain face.

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