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It had finally come. It was the time to go home for Christmas. The three siblings stood on the platform waiting for the train to arrive. "It's gonna be okay" their sister said as she paced. "I don't know what 'supprise' they have in store but no one, I repeat no one is going to get hurt on my watch" Sirius put his hand on the girls shoulder. She embraced her twin before pulling their little brother into the hug. "Nothing bad is gonna happen" she tried to convince them and herself.

Remus came round the corner carrying his own luggage and Owl in a small wire cage. He saw the three siblings stood in a hug. He watched as they all took a step back and Syd muttered a few words to her brothers, he loved how she took care of them. Screw it, he loved it when she took care of him after his transformation.

The lanky boy approached his friends after Regulus had gone to find his mates. "Is everything okay" he questioned, both Sirius and Sydra glared at him with a look that said 'really?'.

"Suppose" Sirius said as they boarded the train, "just stressed, first time I've been back in a while and let's face it my presence isn't going to be well received even though they asked for me" the eldest sibling said. His sister rubbed his arm, trying to comfort him. Remus watched the small gesture as James and Peter entered their compartment.

"Guys" James said with a smile on his face "I have news!" He'd successfully distracted the twins from the thoughts of their crappy family.

"So I've already told Syd this but... I'm gay" Sirius' jaw dropped, Peter looked confused and Remus stuttered "b.b.but what about the lily obsession?" He said. "Well I did like Evans like alot" he emphasized "but there's someone else that just gets me I suppose" he looked round at his friends "I've said too much".
His friends began screaming questions at him "WHO?!" Most of them shouted in unison. "He doesn't want anyone to know yet and he doesn't know when he will" James sulked "but you lot will be the first to know" he smiled.

"'You lot will be the first to know'" Syd repeated "unless we do some snooping" she whispered to Remus and then rested her head on his shoulder, getting comfy for the long ride ahead.

The friends chatted and plotted on how to get letters to the twins. "So we can maybe owl them to Andromeda and get her to send them via the Muggle post?" Peter asked. "You honestly believe Walburga and Orion will appreciate the letter box being used?" Sirius rolled his eyes and laughed slightly. "I tried!" Peter argued.

Just after the train had crossed the border of England it came to a Holt.

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