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Family. Family aren't supposed to be a person's downfall. In the Black family's case they'd already ruined one child, could they do it twice more?


Sobs echoed down the halls of Grimmauld place. The faces of two children ached. Red handprints lay on the youngest two Blacks.

The very simple reason for the children's beating is that Walburga was in a bad mood. Her ring had caught the girl as she'd hit her, leaving a noticeable gash across the young girls cheekbone.

Due to the tryranical mother's foul mood, Kreature had to take the young pair to Platform 9 3/4. Sydra was still getting ready when the elf came to collect her for their departure. She'd picked out an outfit which consisted of a leather blazer that Sirius had given her once he'd grown out of it, a black -knitted- turtle neck Remus had given her, a pair of -ripped, high waisted- black jeans and a pair of old, brown converse.

"Mistress Sydra must be ready in five minutes" the elf called through the thick wooden door. "Listen to him Syd, he threw my wand at me!" Her younger brother said after the elf, causing the girl to laugh as she pulled the turtleneck over her cut cheek. "I'll be out in a minute" the night before she'd packed her trunk with everything she'd need for the spring term, she was looking forward to seeing the other maurauders again although she still had a bone to pick with the tallest of their crew.

Syd got dressed as quick as possible and slid several rings onto her dainty fingers before applying eyeliner and mascara to her eyes. The girl dashed downstairs and dragged her trunk behind her causing large, rhythmic, bangs to come from the object as it hit each step. "Pick up your damned trunk Sydra!!" Her mother called, her face went white as her brother darted up the stairs to help.

Once they'd gotten her trunk down the stairs without anymore mishaps the small, aging elf apparated his youngest masters to kings cross station.

The amount of busy and bustling people hid the children and elf from prying eyes and distracted people from the randomly appearing wizards. Cracks echoed around the station as other wizarding families apparated their children to the train.

Syd locked arms with her brother before quickly looking behind her as the elf returned home. "Right then, to the barrier" she smiled before ruffling his hair. The two found trolleys to put their luggage on and darted through the barrier. She felt the brick wall close back up after her small body.


Remus opened the door of Hope's 1963, teal, Chevrolet pickup truck. The woman looked at her son before smiling. "You're going to your second home kiddo, how do you feel?" She giggled as she opened the back up to get the boys trunk. "I feel happy to see my friends again but I'll miss you" he smiled and got a trolley for his luggage.

The bond between the pair was unbreakable. She wrapped her arm around the significantly taller boy as he pushed his trolley down the platforms.

Remus looked around Kings Cross taking in the beauty of it all, including the roosting pigeons. His mother nudged him "Isn't that her? With the big white streak of hair?" She beamed hoping that she'd finally meet the girl her only child had been falling in love with for the last five years. Remus' head whipped round. "Urh..." He scratched his head "yeah that's her, and her little brother" his face became a bright shade of red as his mother pinched his cheeks.

"How'd she just appear out of thin air? I thought kids weren't allowed to do magic before they were seventeen?" She questioned. "We aren't, it'll have been Kreature" his mother looked at him, a mixture of confusion and questioning plastered across the woman's elegant face. "What on earth is a 'Kreature' Remus, that better not be a mean nickname!" She scolded. He laughed in response. "Kreature is the Black family's house elf" sensing the confusion he continued "dad taught you nothing, so a house elf is normally like a wizarding slave almost. Rich, old money, pureblood families normally have them. And a pureblood ,before you ask, is someone with parents who are wizards and so on and so forth, normally going back many generations." She smiled having learnt something useful about the other world.

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