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Hey, it's your author. Just a little like almost aesthetic for ya because why the hell not?

 Just a little like almost aesthetic for ya because why the hell not?

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All pictures are from Pinterest so credits to those who made them.


The eldest of the two siblings remaining at 12 Grimmauld Place woke early. Syd laid in bed and stared at the stars that littered her bed's canopy, the stars glinted and rotated from east to west mimicking those in the sky.  She raised her hand in the air and pointed out The Dog Star to herself. "Soon brother." She smiled before standing on her bed and touching the magical star. Decending from her bed she slid her feet into a comfortable pair of slippers. Her rucksack laid half full by her bedside table. Clothes laid around the bag, waiting to be rolled up and put away so she could take them. The bruises on her cheek were still very prominent and the girl's body still ached, but she was doing better.


"Remus, are you up?" His mother's knocking rang through his small bedroom. Their house stood in the middle of a forest and the only way in and out was down a thin dirt track. Wales, what a beautiful place. Fresh countryside air seeped into the building. Each room of the Lupin's small house had at least two bookshelves in, they owned a conservatory where Hope would sit and work. The conservatory was filled with plants and all of Hope's art equipment, cans of paint, paintbrushes, easels and pencils laid strewn across the paint speckled floor.

"I've been up since 4 am." The boy whinged as his mother opened the door. He stood hunched over a beaten up backpack. "I have no idea how you have used that bag less than ten times and it looks like a meteor hit it, yet your school satchel you use everyday is pristine." Remus looked at his oblivious mother with a deadpan expression. "Ma! That bag has fallen apart so many times but a quick repairing charm keeps it together! I'm not allowed to use magic at home unless you want a crappy letter through our letterbox!" Hope slowly closed the door on her ranting son, hoping he wouldn't notice her sudden absence. She walked down the hall before going back to her son's room again. "Do you need money?" She asked, sticking her head in Remus' room again. "If I'm doing what we discussed then I'll need Muggle money, aside from that I have a couple galleons just incase." He smiled at her while packing jumpers into his bag, his mother tutted.

"Remus, hunny," she came in the room and held his hands, "do you really need to take these jumpers? There is going to be a heatwave next week, I don't want you to overheat."
"Ma... Y'know why I wear them."
"Yes but you're beautiful, no body cares what you look like. They care about what's here." She said stabbing him in the chest, over his heart, with a long boney finger.  "I know Sydra Black sure does." She teased making the boy blush. Remus  laughed before going to rub the spot his mother had prodded. "Fine, I'll take one t-shirt and some of those long sleeve shirts if you'll pass me them please." He said returning to his bag. Hope did a happy dance as she did everytime the mother won an argument before handing Remus the desired clothes, "don't forget the trunks." She smirked before stuffing them in his bag.

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