CHAPTER 22: The Accident

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Last time on the Walking Dead:

That moment of peace was quickly interrupted as a gunshot rang through the air. The deer and Carl both fell to the ground. My heart plummeted to my stomach and my eyes widened...


    "No. NO! Carl!" I cried as I ran to him.

   "Oh no. NO! NO! NO!" Rick's painful cries filled the air as he landed beside me.

I quickly tore off my shirt and pressed it to Carl's wounded abdomen in order to attempt to stop the bleeding. Even though I knew it was a futile effort as my shirt would likely quickly soak from the blood.

   "Where the hell did that even come from?" Shane asked, before a heavy set man appeared out of the woods.

    He looked at us in shock seeing Carl on the ground with us surrounding him. Shane quickly put up his gun and aimed it at the man. Making him lift his hand into the air.

   "You did this!" Shane shouted.

   "I-I didn't mean to. I didn't see him. Oh, god." The man groaned as he tried to step forward to see the damage he had done.

   "Stay back!" Shane yelled.

   "Shit, Rick. His belly is swelling." I pulled the shirt away for a moment and felt his wound stomach. "I think the bullet splintered. I don't have the proper tools to help him..."

   "Then what do we do? We've got to help him! Carl, stay with me." Rick begged with tears still streaming down his face.

   "Wait, wait. I might be able to help. We've got a farm and a doctor just a ways, north, that way. You could take him there." The man said with his hands still in the air.

   "What are we still sitting here for? Let's move. You're gonna show us the way."  Shane demanded.

   "I got him." Rick said as he picked Carl up into his arms.


    The four of us began running the way the man had said. Rick held Carl close, pressing my shirt to his belly with his chest. But the blood was already soaking through. We ran and ran, and Rick kept having to adjust his hold on his son. A 12 year old wasn't that big, but trying to run with him wasn't easy either. I ran with them in only my bra on my top half, helping as we went along in anyway I could.

     "Hey, you! Move, shithead." Shane yelled at the man as he was lagging behind from being out of breath. "Come on, get us there!"

     "How much farther?" I asked worriedly seeing Carl declining. The man stopped to breathe and as bad as I felt for him I wasn't about to lose Carl due to his incompetence. "How far?!" I demanded.

     "Another half mile. That way." He pointed as he huffed. "Talk to Hershel. He'll help your boy."

     "Go. I'll stay with him." Shane said quickly as I looked between them and Rick who immediately took off running towards the farm.

    I nodded and continued to run after Rick, quickly catching up. In the distance, we could see a white farm house. Rick stopped to adjust Carl again as not to drop him.

     "Rick, I can carry him the rest of the way." I offered seeing how beat down and tired he was.

     "No, I got him." He insisted and started running again.

     "Fine, I'm gonna push forward and I'll meet you there." I called over to him as we ran and he nodded.


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