CHAPTER 41: Seperated

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    Glenn and I met up at the farm house after not being able to find Rick or Shane. I assumed Y/n was already inside as we walked inside. But immediately I didn't see any of them.

     "Rick, Shane and Y/n ain't back?" I asked narrowing my brows.

     "No." Lori stood and looked at us.

     "We heard a shot." I said even more concerned.

     "Maybe they found Randall." Lori suggested.

     "No, Y/n, Glenn and I found him."

     "Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asked.

     "He's a walker." I said as I shook my head.

     "Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asked before I could speak again and ask my own questions.

     "No, the weird thing is. He wasn't bit." Glenn told them.

     "His neck was broke." I explained.

     "So he fought back." Patricia said confused.

     "The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together... Y/n went off to look for 'em, but she obviously didn't find 'em either since they ain't here."

     "Will you please go back out there, find Rick, Y/n and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori begged and I nodded.

     "Wasn't planning on letting her be out there alone, so you got it."

     "Thank you. I'm gonna go check on the kids."

    I walked out the door only to see in the distance a massive herd of walkers coming straight towards the house just out pass the barn. I quickly turned to see Hershel and the others following behind me.

     "Patricia, kill the lights." Hershel instructed quietly.

     "I'll get the guns." Andrea said.

     "Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Glenn suggested.

     "Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size will rip the house down."

     "Carl and Charlotte are gone." Lori said as she came out of the house breatheless. My heart nearly stopped in my chest.

     "What?" I asked.

     "They... They were upstairs. I can't find them anymore." Lori said worriedly.

     "Maybe their hiding?" Glenn asked.

     "They're supposed to be upstairs!" Lori shot back. "I am not leaving without my boy or Charlotte."

     "We're not." Carol soothed her quickly. "W-We're gonna look again. We're gonna find them."

     "Son of a bitch." I grumbled and punched the wooden pillar on the porch. Both of my girl's were missing... Again.



    Both of us got low to the ground while trying to run, pushing the kids ahead of us. Trying to remain unseen but it was no use. We were surrounded. There was so many more than the herd back on the highway. It was at least triple in size. The four of us ran and ran and stopped at a tree for a moment. Bending down, Rick and I were looking around us seeing walkers coming from every direction. There were hundreds of them and hardly any gaps for escape.

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