CHAPTER 27: Barely Alive

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We started our climb back up the mountain like hill, breathing heavily as we held tightly to the trees to keep us upright and going up and not back down again.

    "This is so much easier than before. Without all your dead weight holding me down." Daryl joked and I scoffed.

    "Excuse me for being unconscious. You could have just left my ass." I pointed out.

    "Why would I do a thing like that?" Daryl scoffed as he grabbed another branch.

    "Coulda saved your own ass. That's what Merle would have done. Probably what he told you to do in your hallucination." I pointed out with a sly grin and Daryl shot me a glare.

    "I ain't nothing like Merle. And besides, I promised you didn't I?" Daryl asked. "I ain't never losing you again. You are damn lucky that I love you."

    "Aww, you haven't said that since we left the CDC. I was beginning to think maybe I imagined the whole thing. Seems to be my trend." I laughed still feeling higher than a kite. "I love you too, you know."

    "Damn straight." Daryl nodded with a smile as he reached the top of the hill and lent a hand down towards me. I grabbed hold and he pulled me up with a grunt. "God, you're so hot. All these walker ears on you, the dirt, blood. I'm gonna take you right here and now." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

    "Daryl." I laughed. "Come on. We don't get a move on I'm gonna pass out on the ground. I think you are too. We need to get back."

    "Such a cockblock." Daryl scoffed looking over his injuries and I snickered.

    "Come on, you big baby."

Daryl and I limped our way back to camp, trying not to think about all the pain. The sky began to open up as we crossed the last of the tree line towards the farm.

    "Did they miss us or somethin?" I asked Daryl curiously, seeing Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn all come running towards us. "Maybe they found the girls?"

    "Nah, they'd be screaming from the top of their lungs if they had." Daryl lightly shook his head and we kept limping forward.

    "Is that Daryl and Y/n?" Glenn asked as they approached.

Rick put his gun in the air and pointed it at us both. Shane too had his gun raised and pointed at me. Daryl, pulled me over behind him.

    "That's the third time you've pointed that damn thing at my head." Daryl scoffed. "You gonna pull the trigger or what?"

    "Jesus, guys. What the hell kind of welcome back is this?" I demanded looking at the group.

They all looked at us surprised and the ultimately relieved that we weren't walkers. Suddenly I heard a gunshot and I watched Daryl crumple to the ground next to me.

    "NO!" I screamed in fear. I moved to go towards him and I felt more pain after hearing another shot.

The next thing I knew everything was black.



Two gunshot went off. Daryl and Y/n both crumpled to the ground one after the other.

    "NO!" I yelled out. "No!"

    "Oh, shit." Shane said as he moved quickly towards Y/n's body.

    "Daryl?... Jesus. These two look like they were beat to hell already." I mentioned moving Daryl's body and checking him over. "T-Dog, help me move him. Glenn, help Shane with Y/n. Looks like he was only grazed. They need medical attention now!"

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