CHAPTER 28: Secrets

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TW: Abuse and mentions of Miscarriages.

Daryl and I had spent the night in the house. The next day we had gotten up prepared to go out and search some more, only to be forcefully told this time we were not going out by not only Hershel but by both Rick and Shane. We had to heal. They weren't wrong, but that didn't make me any less annoyed. After my shower to clean off all the dirt and blood from my body I went and laid back down in the tent.

"Y/n? You in here?" Glenn called out and he pushed aside the tent doorway. "Hey."

"Hey." I sighed as I leaned up and looked at him. "Whatcha got there?" I asked curiously seeing him bringing in a big bucket.

"Some fruit. I figured you were probably hungry." Glenn offered me the basket and I took a peach.

"Well, thank you." I smiled softly. "Feels like we haven't gotten to catch up in a hot minute, huh? What's up?"

"What? Nothing's up. Why would you think something's up?" Glenn said quickly and I raised a brow at him.

"I meant, I've been so busy looking for Charlotte and Sophia, we haven't gotten to hang out. No runs together. I miss my buddy." I chuckled lightly and Glenn looked super relieved.

"Oh, yeah. Ha, ha. Uhm, I should probably go and deliver these. Feel better." Glenn moved quickly from the tent.

"Weird." I said quietly to myself.

"Hey, quit being a bed hog and move over." Daryl said as he walked inside the tent after finishing his shower.

"I'm injured I can't." I pointed out and he rolled his eyes.

"I had an arrow in my side. You only got knocked in the head.. Move." Daryl scoffed with a smile and I moved over on the camping cot that I was laying on and he climbed in beside me.

"Hey, shot too. Don't forget that. Plus mine was worse than yours, so there." I stuck my tongue out at him and looked up seeing Andrea walking towards the tent. "Speak of the devil and she may appear." I huffed.

"Be nice." Daryl said and I looked at him surprised.

"Hey." Andrea said as she entered the tent. "Oh, I'm not interrupting something am I?" She asked seeing us on the same bed space.

"Nope." Daryl said.

"Oh, okay." She said as she eye'd us both. "This is not that great, but..." Andrea gave Daryl a book called The Case Of The Missing Man.

"What, no pictures?" Daryl asked sarcastically.

"I am so sorry. I feel like shit." She apologized looking between us both.

"Yeah, you and me both." I huffed, adjusting myself and placing my hand over my gauze covered neck.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, but if there's anything I can do..." Andrea started and I rolled my eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but Daryl started first.

"You were trying to protect the group. We're good."

Andrea smiled at him and started to walk out of the tent.

"Daryl, might be good with it." I called after her making her turn to look at me. "But let me tell you somethin'. You shoot me again, you better pray that I'm dead." I warned her and rolled over. Andrea scurried away from the tent.

"You're such a dick." Daryl chuckled as he moved and laid his arm over my body.

"Hey, you love me just the way I am." I giggled and rested my arm over his, playing with the light hair on his arm. "Seriously, though. I get it, I do. But what she did wasn't her trying to protect the group. It was her trying to prove herself. She's damn lucky we didn't come back with the girls because if she had shot one of them. She'd be dead already."

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